Running the sample workflow for processing orders retrieved from REST web services

The RestfulWebServiceWF workflow shows how to process orders retrieved from REST web services that simulate a web site for ordering books. A REST web service input device, a CallRESTService step, and a REST web service notification exchange data using the web services. The workflow also gives examples of these steps: ConvertJSONToXML, ApplyXSLTransform, CreateJobsFromXML, and DownloadFile.

This workflow uses these sample objects and files:

  • Workflow: RestfulWebServiceWF
  • Input device: RestfulWebServiceSample

    The input device makes a GET call to retrieve JSON orders from a sample REST web service at http://localhost:15080/restapi/1.0/sample/order

  • Notification: RestfulWebServiceSampleNotify

    The notification makes a POST call to a sample web service at http://localhost:15080/restapi/1.0/sample/completeJobTicket

  • JSON orders

    One order is retrieved every 30 seconds from the sample web service.

    Contents of sample order:

    {"Order": {"orderId": "ORDnumber", "customername": "Ricoh"}}

    Each order contains a randomly generated number, for example: 1238875463.

  • Print files: Brochure.pdf and Cover.pdf

    These files are downloaded locally from http://localhost:15080/restapi/

  • XSLT style sheet files:

    • orderToOverrides.xslt

    • jobticketToOverrides.xslt

    The files are in the restsample directory:

    • /aiw/aiw1/testfiles/restsample (Linux and AIX)
    • C:\aiw\aiw1\testfiles\restsample (Windows)

  • Notification PDF files

    A notification PDF file is generated for each completed order. Each file is named ORDER-ORDnumber, for example: ORDER-ORD1238875463.

  • TheCallRESTService step makes a GET call to retrieve JSON job tickets from a sample REST web service at http://localhost:15080/restapi/1.0/sample/jobTicket

  • The sample web services are available locally. They return sample data in response to specific requests made by the sample input device, notification, and CallRESTService step. The web services do not support other requests.

  • The sample objects and files, including the RestfulWebServiceWF workflow, are installed with the Web Services Enablement feature.

To run the sample workflow:

  1. Click the Main tab.
  2. In the Printers portlet, right-click the Sample printer and select Enable.
  3. In the Input Devices portlet, right-click the RestfulWebServiceSample REST web service input device and select Enable and Connect.

    A job appears in the jobs table.

  4. Right-click the RestfulWebServiceSample input device and select Disable.
  5. Right-click the input device again and select Disconnect.

    Note: The sample input device polls for orders every 30 seconds and retrieves a JSON job. If you do not disable and disconnect the input device, a new job appears in the jobs table every 30 seconds.

    Each time the RestfulWebServiceSample input device retrieves a JSON job:

    • The job is sent through the Parent branch of the workflow.

    • The SetJobPropsFromTextFile step sets the Customer name property to RicohSample and the Custom 1 property to RicohCustom.

    • The ConvertJSONToXML step converts the job into XML.

    • The ApplyXSLTransform step uses the orderToOverrides.xslt XSLT style sheet to convert 2 XML elements into 2 RICOH ProcessDirector job properties in an overrides file:

      XML element Job property
      orderId Job.Info.Attr3
      customername Job.CustomerName

      Contents of sample overrides file:


      The step puts the overrides file in the spool directory for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector uses the values in the overrides file to set the values of the properties for the job.

    • The AssignJobValues step sets the value of the Job name property to ORDER-${Job.Info.Attr3}, for example: ORDER-ORD1238875463.

    • The CallRESTService step makes a GET call to one of the sample web services that simulate the web site for ordering books. The step specifies order ID as the value of the Request parameters property: orderId:${Job.Info.Attr3}.

      The web service returns JSON job ticket information for the order to RICOH ProcessDirector.

      Contents of sample job ticket information:

      {"JobTicket": [{ "itemnumber": "1182563839", "copies":"4","media" : "Letter Plain","file" : "http://localhost:15080/restapi/Brochure.pdf","type" : "Brochure","title" : "RPDBestSeller"}, { "itemnumber": "1934194376", "copies":"4","media" : "Letter Preprinted","file" : "http://localhost:15080/restapi/Cover.pdf","type" : "Cover" ,"title" : "RPDBestSeller" }]}

    • The ConvertJSONToXML step converts the JSON job ticket information into XML.

    • The CreateJobsFromXML step uses the //JobTicket XPath expression to parse the XML job ticket information. The step finds 2 job tickets and creates 2 child jobs.

      Contents of sample child jobs:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><JobTicket><copies>4</copies><file>http://localhost:15080/restapi/Brochure.pdf</file><itemnumber>2112076335</itemnumber><media>Letter Plain</media><type>Brochure</type><title>RPDBestSeller</title></JobTicket><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><JobTicket><copies>4</copies><file>http://localhost:15080/restapi/Cover.pdf</file><itemnumber>1418780325</itemnumber><media>Letter Preprinted</media><type>Cover</type><title>RPDBestSeller</title></JobTicket>

      The step submits the 2 child jobs to the RestfulWebServiceWF workflow.

      The rule on the [2] Child connector determines whether the jobs are child jobs by checking for a decimal point in the job number. The connector sends child jobs through the Child branch of the workflow.

      The original JSON job continues through the Parent branch to the RunHotFolderApplication step. That step puts the JSON job in a hot folder:

      • /aiw/aiw1/testfiles/restsample/sending (Linux and AIX)

      • C:\aiw\aiw1\testfiles\restsample\sending (Windows)

      One of the sample web services that simulate the web site for ordering books polls the hot folder for jobs. The web service processes each JSON job when it receives a request from the RestfulWebServiceSampleNotify notification. For more information, see the list item for the RetainCompletedJobs step.

    • The ApplyXSLTransform2 step uses the jobticketToOverrides.xslt XSLT style sheet to convert 6 XML elements for each child job into RICOH ProcessDirector job properties in an overrides file:

      XML element Job property
      file Job.Info.Attr2
      itemnumber Job.Info.Attr1
      type Job.Info.Attr4
      title Job.Info.Attr5
      copies Job.Copies
      media Job.Media

      Contents of sample overrides file:

      Job.Info.Attr2=http://localhost:15080/restapi/Brochure.pdfJob.Info.Attr1=1182563839Job.Info.Attr4=BrochureJob.Info.Attr5=RPDBestSellerJob.Copies=4Job.Media=Letter Preprinted

    • The DownloadFile step downloads the Cover.pdf and Brochure.pdf files from http://localhost:15080/restapi/ by setting the value of the URL for download file property to ${Job.Info.Attr2}.

    • The AssignJobValues2 step sets the values of 3 job properties:

      • Requested printer: Sample

      • Input data stream: PDF

      • Job name: ${Job.Info.Attr5}-${Job.Info.Attr4}

      The names of the child jobs for the Brochure.pdf and Cover.pdf files are now RPDBestSeller-Brochure and RPDBestSeller-Cover.

    • The OptimizePDF, CountPages, CreatePageRanges, and PrintJobs steps process and print the RPDBestSeller-Brochure and RPDBestSeller-Cover child jobs on the Sample printer.

    • When each child job arrives at the RetainCompletedJobs step, the RestfulWebServiceSampleNotify web service notification makes a POST call to one of the sample web services at http://localhost:15080/restapi/1.0/sample/completeJobTicket. The value of the Request parameters property is:


      The web service waits until all the child jobs for the original JSON job are in the Retained job state. The web service then creates a PDF file containing the job number and item number of each job ticket in the order. For example:

      10000001.2 with item number 278955095 has been processed10000001.1 with item number 913895452 has been processed

      The web service puts the PDF file in the retrieval hot folder for the RunHotFolderApplication step:

      • /aiw/aiw1/testfiles/restsample/retrieval (Linux and AIX)

      • C:\aiw\aiw1\testfiles\restsample\retrieval (Windows)

      The RunHotFolderApplication step polls the hot folder, finds the PDF job, and sends the job to the next step.

    • The AssignJobValues step sets the value of the Input data stream property to PDF and sends the PDF job to the RetainCompletedJobs step.

  6. In the jobs table, right-click an ORDER-ORDnumber job and select View.

    The viewer displays the PDF file. The information in the PDF file confirms that the 2 child jobs have been processed.