Planning for Reports database migration

When you upgrade RICOH ProcessDirector on a different computer with the Reports feature installed, special consideration is required. You must make several decisions related to the Reports database to help the migration proceed smoothly.

Continue using the same Reports database?

The first decision to make is whether you want to continue using the same database to store your Reports data with the new installation or install a new database. There are several points to consider:

  • If the Reports database runs on the source system with RICOH ProcessDirector, you likely want to move that database to the new system.
  • If the Reports database runs on a different system in your network and you configured RICOH ProcessDirector to access it, you likely want to continue using that database.
  • If you are upgrading to new server hardware to consolidate or decommission older servers, the option to move your Reports data onto the new server with RICOH ProcessDirector is worth considering.

If you choose to connect your new RICOH ProcessDirector system (your target system) to your existing Reports database, use this setting on the Reports page of the Migration Assistant:

  • Reports Database Configuration: Use existing Reports database
Continue with Preparing to use the Migration Assistant.

If you choose to create a new database, continue with the next question.

Where to create the new PostgreSQL database for Reports?

RICOH ProcessDirector can be configured to use either IBM DB2 or PostgreSQL to store data and manage jobs as they progress through their workflows. The Reports feature stores data in a PostgreSQL database, regardless of which database configuration RICOH ProcessDirector uses for the primary database.

Before you start the migration, determine whether to create your Reports database in a PostgreSQL instance installed by the RICOH ProcessDirector installer or in an instance that you install separately.

To use the PostgreSQL installed with RICOH ProcessDirector
No preparatory configuration is required. When you run the Migration Assistant, the Reports database is created in the same PostgreSQL instance that RICOH ProcessDirector uses, but in a separate database cluster.
Note: This option is only supported if Docker Enterprise is installed on your primary computer.

When you run the Migration Assistant, choose: Reports Database Configuration: Use new Reports database

To use a PostgreSQL installed separately
Before you start the Migration Assistant, configure the Reports database settings for the target system on the Administration Reports Database Settings page. Enter values for the properties in the General section, then click the switch next to Disabled: Do not capture data to enable data capture.

Enabling data capture creates the Reports database cluster, but does not create any database tables. Do not create any Data Collectors, Data Transmitters, or collect data using the WritePropsToReportsDatabase step before you run the Migration Assistant.

When you run the Migration Assistant, choose: Reports Database Configuration: Use new Reports database

Migrate your existing data to the new database?

If you choose to create a new Reports database, you can also choose whether to move the data stored in the existing database to the new database. Choose the correct setting on the Reports page of the Migration Assistant:

  • Import existing Reports data
  • Do not import existing Reports data