Uninstalling the base product, features, and extensions

You can use one command to uninstall the base product and all features and extensions at the same time. You cannot uninstall features or extensions individually.
  • Do not use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall RICOH ProcessDirector.

To uninstall the base product and all features and extensions:

  1. Log in to the primary computer as the user who installed RICOH ProcessDirector.
  2. Go to the directory where you installed RICOH ProcessDirector.
    If you accepted the default directory during installation, go to C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector.
  3. Go to _uninstall\ippd and run removeIPPD.exe.
    RICOH ProcessDirector starts the program that guides you through the uninstallation process. Follow the instructions in the program.
  4. Click Uninstall to start the uninstallation process.
    When the uninstallation is complete, you either see a message that the uninstallation was successful or a message that there were errors and the location of the error log file.
  5. Click Done.
  6. If the primary computer does not restart automatically, restart it manually.
  7. The uninstallation program leaves behind part of the directory structure. To completely remove all files that the RICOH ProcessDirector installation program installed, remove the C:\aiw\ directory. If you installed RICOH ProcessDirector in a directory other than the default, also remove C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector.
    • Do not remove the %ProgramData%\Ricoh\InfoPrint Manager\var\psf and %ProgramData%\Ricoh\InfoPrint Manager\var\psf\segments folders if InfoPrint Manager is installed on the server you are using.