Database property names for FusionPro Connect

Messages can refer to FusionPro Connect properties.

Some of the values that you see in lists in the user interface are not the same as the values that RICOH ProcessDirector uses internally. When you make some requests using web services or set values using an overrides file, you must use the internal value. The Internal values column lists the internal values for those properties.

In the Editable column:

  • Yes means that you can change the value.
  • No means that you cannot change the value.

FusionPro Connect properties

Database name Notebook tab or section: field name Brief description Internal values Editable
Job.FusionPro.InputFile Input data file Specifies the path, name, and format of the input file.   Yes
Job.FusionPro.Records Records Specifies whether to include all or some of the records from the input file in the output file.
  • All
  • Range
Job.FusionPro.RecordsRange Records range Specifies a numeric range for the records.   Yes
Job.FusionPro.OutputFileName Output file name Specifies the full path and file name of the output file.   Yes
Job.FusionPro.OutputFormat Output format Specifies the format of the output file.
  • PDF
  • VPDF
  • PDF_VT
  • VDX
  • PPML
  • JLYT
  • VIPP
Job.FusionPro.ImpositionTemplate Imposition Template Specifies the full path and file name for the imposition template.   Yes
WorkflowSystem.FusionPro.Server FusionPro system Shows the list of systems where FusionPro Server is installed.   Yes
WorkflowSystem.FusionPro.Templates Available FusionPro Templates Displays the list of available templates retrieved from FusionPro Server.   No