Database property names for Ultimate Impostrip® Connect
Messages might refer to properties that are specific to Ultimate Impostrip® Connect. You can use the database property names in symbol formulas for external
programs and for properties in control files.
In the Editable column:
- Yes means that an authorized user can change the value.
- No means that an authorized user cannot change the value.
In the Job ticket column:
- Yes means that the property can be set from one or more values in the job ticket.
- No means that the property cannot be set from values in the job ticket.
Ultimate Impostrip® Connect feature properties
Database name | Notebook tab: field name | Brief description | Editable | Job ticket |
Job.ULT.ImpostripQueue | Ultimate Impostrip®: Ultimate Impostrip® input hot folder | Specifies the name of the Ultimate Impostrip® hot folder that is configured to imposition the job correctly. | Yes | No |
Job.ULT.JobName | Ultimate Impostrip®: Ultimate Impostrip® job name | Specifies the name that RICOH ProcessDirector assigns to a job when it sends the job to the Ultimate Impostrip® server. | Yes | No |
WorkflowSystem.ULT.ConfigSource | Ultimate Impostrip® Settings: Ultimate Impostrip® configuration | Specifies the method that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to retrieve the list of Ultimate Impostrip® hot folders that can receive print jobs. | Yes | No |
WorkflowSystem.ULT.INIFileLocation | Ultimate Impostrip® Settings: Ultimate Impostrip® configuration, Use .ini file option | Specifies the full path to the initialization file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to retrieve the list of Ultimate Impostrip® hot folders that can receive print jobs. | Yes | No |
WorkflowSystem.ULT.Remote | Ultimate Impostrip® Settings: Ultimate Impostrip® host system | Specifies whether Ultimate Impostrip® is installed on a Windows computer that also runs a RICOH ProcessDirector server. | Yes | No |
WorkflowSystem.ULT.RpdSpoolMount | Ultimate Impostrip® Settings: Ultimate Impostrip® Mapping: Print spool directory | Mounts the RICOH ProcessDirector print spool to a directory on the Ultimate Impostrip® server. | Yes | No |
WorkflowSystem.ULT.URL | Ultimate Impostrip® Settings: Ultimate Impostrip® configuration, Use URL option | Specifies the URL of the Ultimate Impostrip® server that RICOH ProcessDirector contacts to retrieve the list of Ultimate Impostrip® hot folders that can receive print jobs. | Yes | No |
WorkflowSystem.ULT.XmlRedirectMount | Ultimate Impostrip® Settings: Ultimate Impostrip® Mapping: XML Ticket Input folder | Mounts the directory specified as the XML Ticket Input Folder in Ultimate Impostrip® to a directory on the RICOH ProcessDirector primary server. | Yes | No |