Database property names for Inserter
Messages about print jobs, documents, and inserter controllers might refer to properties
by their database names. You can use the database property names in symbol formulas
and in control files.
In the Editable column:
- Yes means that a user can change the value after the job has been submitted.
- No means that a user cannot change the value.
Inserter properties
Database name | Notebook tab: field name | Brief description | Editable |
Doc.Insert.BinResults | Insert: Bin results | Shows which inserter bins delivered inserts for this document. | No |
Doc.Insert.BinTriggers | Insert: Bin triggers | Specifies which inserter bins should deliver inserts for this document. | No |
Doc.Insert.Disposition | Insert: Action | Shows the action that RICOH ProcessDirector takes when it processes this document after reconciliation. | No |
Doc.Insert.DivertBin | Insert: Divert indicator | Specifies the number of the inserter output bin to which this document is diverted after insertion. | No |
Doc.Insert.InserterID | Insert: Inserter name | Shows the name of the inserter that processed this document. | No |
Doc.Insert.Iteration | Insert: Insert count | Shows the number of times RICOH ProcessDirector has processed the document. | No |
Doc.Insert.OperatorID | Insert: Operator name | Shows the name or user ID of the operator who was logged in to the inserter when this document was processed. | No |
Doc.Insert.OriginalBarCode | Insert: Original barcode data | Shows the data in the original barcode that controls insertion. | No |
Doc.Insert.PendingDisposition | Insert: Requested action | Shows the action that the operator has requested during reconciliation. | Yes |
Doc.Insert.RecipientName | Insert: Mail recipient | Shows the name of the person to whom this document is mailed. | No |
Doc.Insert.Sequence | Insert: Insert sequence | Shows the position of the document in the job. | No |
Doc.Insert.Status | Insert: Status | Shows the status for this document. | No |
Doc.Insert.TimeStamp | Insert: Insert date and time | Shows the date and time that this document was inserted. | No |
Doc.Inserter.StatusCode | Insert: Status code | Shows the status code that the inserter controller reported for this document in the results file. | No |
Doc.Inserter.StatusCodeExtended | Insert: Extended status code | Shows the extended status code that the inserter controller reported for this document in the results file. | No |
Doc.ReconcileSavedSearches | Saved Searches | Lets you select from the searches you previously saved to start a new search. | No |
InserterSystem.ActiveJobCount | Status: Active jobs | Shows the number of jobs associated with this inserter controller that are ready to be inserted, being inserted, waiting to be reconciled, or being reconciled. | No |
InserterSystem.Completion.Format | Results File: Format | Specifies the format of records in the inserter results file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Completion.ProcessDocRules | Results File: Document-properties rules file | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to set document property values from information in the inserter results file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Completion.ProcessJobRules | Results file: Job-properties rules file | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to set job property values from information in the inserter results file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Completion.Rules | Results File: Parsing rules file | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to parse (analyze) the records in the inserter results file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Completion.TransferCommand | Results file: Receive command | Specifies the command or script that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to receive the inserter results file for a job from the inserter controller. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control.Format | Control File: Format | Specifies the format of records in the inserter control file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control.Header.Indicator | Control File: Header | Indicates whether the inserter control file contains a header record. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control.Header.Rules | Control File: Header rules file | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to create the header record of the inserter control file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control.Rules | Control File: Rules file | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to create the inserter control file that RICOH ProcessDirector sends to the inserter controller before each job begins insertion. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control.TransferCommand | Control File: Send command | Specifies the command or script that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to send the inserter control file to the inserter controller. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control2.Format | Second Control File: Format (2) | Specifies the format of records in the second inserter control file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control2.Header.Indicator | Second Control File: Header (2) | Indicates whether the second inserter control file contains a header record. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control2.Header.Rules | Second Control File: Header rules file (2) | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to create the header record of the second inserter control file. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control2.Rules | Second Control File: Rules file (2) | Specifies the path and file name of the rules file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to create the second inserter control file for each job. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Control2.TransferCommand | Second Control File: Send command (2) | Specifies the command or script that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to send the second inserter control file to the inserter controller. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Default.Status | General: Default insert status | Specifies the insert status that RICOH ProcessDirector sets for a document when the inserter controller does not report a status for the document, or when the inserter controller does not return a results file to RICOH ProcessDirector. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Delete.Interval | Results File: Delete interval (days) | Specifies the number of days after successful completion before inserter results files and log files are deleted. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Description | General: Inserter controller description | Describes the inserter controller. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Enabled | Status: Enabled status | Shows whether RICOH ProcessDirector can communicate with this inserter controller. | No |
InserterSystem.ID | General: Inserter controller name
Also, displayed in the properties notebook title |
Specifies the name of the inserter controller object. | Yes |
InserterSystem.InsertCompletionMethod | General: Completion method | Specifies the method that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to determine that the inserter controller has finished inserting a job. | Yes |
InserterSystem.LastModified | General: Last modified | The date and time when the inserter controller was last changed. RICOH ProcessDirector updates the value whenever the inserter controller changes. You cannot change the value of this property. | No |
InserterSystem.Location | General: Location | Specifies the location of the inserter controller. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Polling.Interval | Results file: Polling interval | Specifies how often RICOH ProcessDirector checks for results files from the inserter controller. | Yes |
InserterSystem.Polling.TransferCommand | Results File: Polling command | Specifies the command or script that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to receive inserter results files that are not specific to one job. | Yes |
InserterSystem.ReprintMethod | General: Reprint method | Specifies how RICOH ProcessDirector reprints documents after insertion. | Yes |
Job.Conditions.ChangeJobType | Documents: New workflow | Specifies the new workflow to which this job will be transferred. | Yes |
Job.Doc.DocumentCount | Documents: Document count | Specifies the total number of documents in a job. | No |
Job.Doc.DocumentPropertyTemplate | Documents: Document property template | Specifies the path and name of a template file that contains the document properties that RICOH ProcessDirector can use. | Yes |
Job.Insert.AutomaticReconcile | Insert: Automatic reconciliation | Indicates whether RICOH ProcessDirector reconciles and reprints automatically (without operator intervention) documents that are marked for reprinting during insertion or the ReadBarcodeData step. | Yes |
Job.Insert.AutoReconcileThreshhold | Insert: Maximum documents to reprint | Specifies the maximum percentage of documents in a job that the system can schedule for reprint during automatic reconciliation. If the percentage exceeds the maximum, the system places the job in the Waiting to reconcile state, requiring manual reconciliation. | Yes |
Job.Insert.LoadPlan.Comment | Insert: Load plan comment | Specifies the number of inserter bins, followed by a comma and a comma-delimited list of the materials loaded in each bin of the inserter. | Yes |
Job.Insert.LoadPlan.ID | Insert: Load plan | Specifies the name of the load plan that RICOH ProcessDirector assigns to the job. | Yes |
Job.Insert.ReconcileAttentionAsDamaged | Insert: Reprint Attention documents | Indicates whether RICOH ProcessDirector reprints documents that have an insert status of Attention during automatic reconciliation. | Yes |
Job.Insert.ReconcileUser.ID | Insert: Reconciliation user | Shows the user name of the user who is currently reconciling the job. | Yes |
Job.Insert.ReprintJobID | Insert: Reprint job ID | For a reprint job, this property shows the parent job ID that created the job. | Yes |
Job.Insert.ReprintJobType | Insert: Reprint workflow | The workflow specified for child jobs created for reprints. | Yes |
Job.Insert.ReprintPrinter | Insert: Requested reprint printer | Specifies the name of the printer to reprint any documents that are marked for reprinting during insertion, the ReadBarcodeData step, or manual reconciliation. | Yes |
Job.Inserter.ID | Insert: Inserter name | Specifies the name of the inserter on which to load the job, or the name of the inserter that actually processed the job. | Yes |
Job.Inserter.JobID | Insert: Inserter job name | Specifies the job name that the inserter controller uses to identify this job. | Yes |
Job.InserterSystem.ID | Insert: Inserter controller | Specifies the name of the inserter controller object that RICOH ProcessDirector assigns to the job. | Yes |