Database property names for AFP jobs
Messages might refer to AFP job properties.
In the Editable column:
- Yes means that an authorized user can change the value.
- No means that an authorized user cannot change the value.
AFP properties
Database name | Notebook field name | Brief description | Internal values | Editable | Job ticket |
Job.AfpZip.ExternalCommand | External command | Specifies a command string that launches a command on each individual file within the ZIP file. The command is executed for each AFP file in the ZIP file before it is combined into a single AFP file. | Yes | No | |
Job.BannerFormDef | Banner page form definition | Specifies the name of the AFP form definition that the BuildAFPFromZip step uses when it adds a header or trailer page to the job it creates. The form definition controls the placement of data on the banner pages. It also defines other formatting information, such as a bin number for the printer device. For example, with cut-sheet printers, the header page can print on paper that is a different color than the paper color for the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Class | Job class | Contains the output class for the job | Yes | No | |
Job.CMR.ColorMode | Color mode | Specifies whether the step should insert a color or monochrome CMR in the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.CMR.InkType | Ink type | Specifies whether the printer uses pigment or dye ink so the step can insert the correct type of CMR. |
Yes | No |
Job.CMR.InputCMYKProf | Audit color CMR | Specifies the audit CMR that this step inserts for color print jobs. The printer uses this CMR to convert jobs to the device-independent color space; it should correspond to the color profile or CMR that was used to create the color elements of the job, such as logos or images. | Yes | No | |
Job.CMR.InputGrayProf | Audit grayscale CMR | Specifies the audit CMR that this step inserts for grayscale print jobs. The printer uses this CMR to convert jobs to the device-independent color space; it should correspond to the color profile or CMR that was used to create the grayscale elements of the job, such as charts or images. | Yes | No | |
Job.CMR.Mode | Processing mode | Specifies whether the step should insert an audit or instruction CMR into the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.CMR.OutputCMYKProf | Instruction color CMR | Specifies the instruction CMR that this step inserts for color print jobs. The printer uses this CMR to convert jobs to a device-specific color space for the printer. | Yes | No | |
Job.CMR.OutputGrayProf | Instruction grayscale CMR | Specifies the instruction CMR that this step inserts for grayscale print jobs. The printer uses this CMR to convert jobs to a device-specific color space for the printer. | Yes | No | |
Job.CMR.PrinterType | Printer type | Specifies the type of printer that is going to print the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.CMR.RenderingIntent | Rendering intent | Specifies the rendering intent that this step should associate with the job. Rendering intents inform the printer what action to take when a print job includes colors that lie outside the color range of the printer. |
Yes | No |
Job.Destination | Job destination | Specifies the name of the job destination. RICOH ProcessDirector uses this value to schedule the job to a printer that has the same destination value assigned to its Printer destination property. | Yes | No | |
Job.EnableHeader | Include header pages | Specifies whether the BuildAFPFromZip step adds header pages before each file that it adds to the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.EnableTrailer | Include trailer pages | Specifies whether the BuildAFPFromZip step adds trailer pages after each file that it adds to the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.Form | Job form | Specifies the name of the form that the job requires. RICOH ProcessDirector uses the form value to schedule the job to a printer that has the same form value for its Printer form property. | Yes | No | |
Job.Host.Device | Host device | Specifies the device name that was passed with the input file from z/OS. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by the Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Host.GroupName | Host group name | Specifies the group name. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by the Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Host.JesID | JES job ID | Specifies the JES job ID that was assigned to the data set on z/OS. | Yes | No | |
Job.Host.UserID | Host user ID | Specifies the name of the z/OS user who submitted the data set on the z/OS system. | Yes | No | |
Job.Host.Writer | Host writer name | Specifies the name of the z/OS external writer. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Address1 | Address line 1 | Specifies the first line of address information for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Address2 | Address line 2 | Specifies the second line of address information for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Address3 | Address line 3 | Specifies the third line of address information for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Address4 | Address line 4 | Specifies the fourth line of address information for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Building | Building information | Specifies building information for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Department | Department information | Specifies department information for the job. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property when it reads the JCL file for the data set that was received by a Download input device. | Yes | Yes | |
Job.Info.DownloadFileType | Download file type | Specifies the job file type. RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property from the -ofiletype parameter in the JCL file for a data set received from AFP Download Plus. |
No | No |
Job.Info.NodeID | Node ID | Specifies the name of the z/OS system that submitted the data set to RICOH ProcessDirector through AFP Download Plus or Download for z/OS. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Programmer | Programmer information | Specifies the name of the programmer that was passed with the data set when it was received by a Download input device. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.RecdTotalPages | Received pages | Shows the number of pages that AFP Download Plus created for this job. | No | No | |
Job.Info.RecdTotalSheets | Received sheets | Shows the number of sheets that AFP Download Plus created for this job. | No | No | |
Job.Info.Room | Room information | Specifies room information for the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Info.Title | Title information | Specifies title information for the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Line2AFP.CC | Carriage controls present | Specifies whether carriage controls are present in the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.Line2AFP.CC_TYPE | Carriage control type | Specifies the type of carriage controls that are present in the job. |
Yes | Yes |
Job.Line2AFP.CHARS | CHARS | Specifies the file names of up to four AFP coded fonts. | Yes | No | |
Job.Line2AFP.CPGID | Code page global identifier | Specifies a three-character or four-character identifier for an IBM-registered code page. | Yes | No | |
Job.Line2AFP.EXTENSIONS | Extended options | Specifies the extended options that the line2afp data-stream conversion component of RICOH ProcessDirector uses when it converts the job into the AFP format. |
Multiple values can be submitted using a comma-separated list. |
Yes | No |
Job.Line2AFP.FILEFORMAT | Line data file format | Specifies whether the data in the job is record oriented or stream oriented. | Yes | No | |
Job.Line2AFP.FORMDEF | Form definition | Specifies the form definition to use with the job. | Yes | Yes | |
Job.Line2AFP.IMAGEOUT | Image output format | Specifies how the line2afp data-stream conversion component of RICOH ProcessDirector converts IM1 format images in input files, overlays, and page segments. |
Yes | No |
Job.Line2AFP.MCF2REF | Map Coded Font Format 2 method | Specifies how to build Map Coded Font Format 2 (MCF-2) structured fields. | Yes | No | |
Job.Line2AFP.PAGEDEF | Page definition | Specifies the AFP page definition to use with the job. | Yes | Yes | |
Job.Line2AFP.PRMODE | Processing mode | Specifies the type of data in the input file, and whether the RICOH ProcessDirectorline2afp data-stream conversion component must perform any optional processing of the data. |
Yes | No | |
Job.Line2AFP.RESTYPE | Resource type | Specifies the type or types of AFP resources that RICOH ProcessDirector should retrieve from the AFP resource directories for the job. |
Multiple values can be submitted using a comma-separated list. |
Yes | No |
Job.Line2AFP.TRC | Table reference characters | Specifies whether table reference characters are present in the job. |
Yes | Yes |
Job.Line2AFP.ValidRCs | Valid return codes | Lists return code values that the line2afp program can issue, which indicate that the program ran successfully. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.CMT | Color mapping table | Specifies the color mapping table (CMT) to use for printing the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.DataCheck | Data check errors | Specifies whether the AFP printer blocks certain types of errors. |
Yes | No |
Job.Print.FontFidelity | Font fidelity | Specifies whether the AFP printer continues printing the job when it cannot locate a font that the job requires. |
Yes | No |
Job.Print.FontMessages | Font substitution messages | Specifies whether the AFP printer driver program issues messages when font substitutions occur. |
Yes | No |
Job.Print.FontResolution | Font resolution | Specifies the resolution of the fonts that the AFP printer uses for the job. |
Yes | No |
Job.Print.JogCopies | Jog output copies | Specifies whether the AFP printer jogs the output copies for the job. |
Yes | Yes |
Job.Print.MessageCount | Number of messages to print | Specifies how many messages the AFP printer prints for the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.Overlay | Overlay | Specifies the name of an overlay that prints on every page of the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.PSFINSegmentSize | AFP segment size (kilobytes) | Specifies the size, in kilobytes, of the segment files into which RICOH ProcessDirector breaks up AFP jobs for printing. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.ResourcePath | AFP resource path | Specifies one or more directories in which RICOH ProcessDirector searches for the AFP resources that the job requires. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.SeparatorConfig | Separator page configuration file | Specifies the path to and the name of the configuration file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to create the content and format of the separator page that prints between copies of a multi-copy AFP job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.SeparatorCopies | Separator copies | Specifies the number of separator pages that RICOH ProcessDirector should print between copies of a multi-copy AFP job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.TerminateMessageCount | Number of messages to stop job | Specifies how many error messages can be issued while the job prints on an AFP printer before RICOH ProcessDirector ends the job. | Yes | No | |
Job.Print.Xoffset | X offset | Specifies the offset in the x or horizontal direction of the logical page origin from the media origin. | Yes | Yes | |
Job.Print.Yoffset | Y offset | Specifies the offset in the y or vertical direction of the logical page origin from the media origin. | Yes | Yes | |
Job.Transform.Datastream | Transform output data stream | Specifies the format of the print job that InfoPrint Transform Manager returns to RICOH ProcessDirector. |
No | No |
Job.Transform.GenerateIS3 | Create IS/3 compliant AFP | Specifies whether the AFP produced by the TransformJobIntoAFP step template meets the requirements of the IS/3 interchange set of the AFP architecture. |
Yes | No |
Job.Transform.Halftone | Transform halftone | Specifies the halftone that is applied to the job during transform processing. |
Yes | No |
Job.Transform.ImageOut | Transform image output format | Specifies the type of AFP image that the data transform program generates. |
Yes | No |
Job.Transform.RipFor | Transform RIP for printer | Specifies the printer model that the job is transformed for. Authorized users can set this property. |
Yes | No |