Link Color Conversion CMRs
Converting color images to and from the PCS takes a significant amount of processing resources, in part because the process includes two conversions. Link color conversion CMRs combine the two conversions and make them more efficient. The printer can use the link color conversion CMR to convert colors directly from the color space of the input device to the color space of the output device with the same color fidelity they would have if the printer did both of the conversions. As a result, link color conversion CMRs can improve system performance.
The two types of link color conversion CMRs are:
- Link CMRs
- Link (LK) CMRs are unique. You cannot create a link CMR yourself and you do not include
references to link CMRs in your print jobs. The print system creates and uses link
CMRs automatically.
If you use AFP Resource Installer, link CMRs are generated automatically when you create or install a color conversion CMR. As a result, your resource library always contains link CMRs for every combination of color conversion CMRs in audit (input) and instruction (output) processing modes. When link CMRs are created, AFP Resource Installer marks them as capturable, so the printer can save them to be used in other print jobs.
If you do not use AFP Resource Installer, some printers can create link CMRs when they process print jobs. Then, the print controller looks at the link CMRs that it has available to find one that combines the audit color conversion CMR with the appropriate instruction color conversion CMR. If it does not find one, the print controller creates the link CMR and uses it. The print controller can be configured to save the link CMRs that it creates. However, the link CMRs are sometimes removed during normal operation, for example, if the printer runs out of storage or is shut down. If the link is removed, the printer must create a new link CMR the next time it is needed.
When a link CMR is created, the print system evaluates the conversion algorithms to and from the PCS. The system then combines the algorithms, so a data object can be converted directly from one color space to the other without actually being converted to the PCS.
- Device link CMRs
- Device link (DL) CMRs use an ICC device link profile to convert directly from an input
color space to an output color space without reference to an audit-mode or instruction-mode
CMR. An ICC device link profile is a special kind of ICC profile that is used to convert
the input device color space to the color space of an output or display device. ICC
device link profiles are not embedded in images.
You can create, install, and uninstall device link CMRs yourself. Device link CMRs are referenced in the MO:DCA data stream and take precedence over audit color conversion CMRs. A device link CMR specifies its own rendering intent, which is indicated in the header of the ICC device link profile. This rendering intent overrides any other rendering intent that is active.
The biggest advantage of using device link CMRs is that they preserve the black channel (K component) of the input color space when converting from CMYK to CMYK.