PushInfoPrint Manager to a remote pSeries SP node

Important: The push installation method can seriously compromise network security if you are including principal passwords in the response files. If network security is a concern for you and if passwords are required to install InfoPrint on your systems, you should use Pull InfoPrint Manager to a remote system (unattended). This requires, however, that the SP node control workstation meet the minimum hardware and software requirements for InfoPrint Manager for AIX, including the appropriate graphics capabilities.
  • You must be authorized to execute commands remotely for a "push" installation to work properly.
  • The rshd and rexecd daemons must be running on the remote system to execute the remote installation scripts.
  • Configuring the rshd and rexecd daemons requires a system administrator and might impact your network security.

This procedure explains how to create an InfoPrint Manager software server on a remote pSeries SP node control workstation. This control workstation can then be used to install InfoPrint Manager on to the pSeries SP nodes. The mk_ip_remote script located on the InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Base Server DVD-ROM, LCD4-5654, creates the software server for you automatically.

Follow this procedure to create an InfoPrint Manager software server on a remote SP node control workstation:

  1. Open 2 AIX terminal (term) windows on any AIX server connected to the same network as the SP node control workstation. This server will become the InfoPrint Manager software server. The first term window will be used to Telnet to the remote SP node control workstation. This term window will be called the SP node term window. The second will be used to submit commands to the InfoPrint Manager software server. This term window will be called the server term window.
  2. Perform these tasks from the server term window:

    Make sure that the InfoPrint Manager DVD-ROM is inserted in the DVD-ROM drive and that the drive is mounted to /cdrom (use the command mount /cdrom).

    If you have an InfoPrint Manager Service DVD-ROM, you should insert the Service DVD-ROM first, and follow the directions below.

  3. To make the /cdrom accessible to other systems on the network, start the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) by entering either smit (graphical version) or smitty (ASCII version).
  4. Select Communications Applications and Services NFS Network File System (NFS)Add a Directory to the Exports List.
    1. Enter /cdrom in the PATHNAME of directory to export(Path) field.
    2. Click the List button next to the MODE to export directory field, and select read-only.
    3. Enter the host name of the SP node control workstation that you want to have access to the InfoPrint Manager installation files in the HOSTS & NETGROUPS allowed client access field.
    4. Enter /cdrom in the PATHNAME of exported directory field.
    5. Click OK (AIX version) or press Enter (ASCII version). If you receive the message An export for /cdrom already exists, follow these instructions:
      1. Click Done, then Cancel.
      2. Click Change/Show Attributes of an Exported Directory.

        1. Enter /cdrom in the PATHNAME of exported directory field and click OK (AIX version) or press Enter (ASCII version).
        2. Click the List button next to the MODE to export directory field, and select read-only.
        3. Enter the host name of the control workstation that you want to have access to the InfoPrint Manager installation files in the HOSTS & NETGROUPS allowed client access field.
        4. Click OK (AIX version) or press Enter (ASCII version).

    6. Click Cancel (graphical version) or press F10 (ASCII version) to exit from SMIT.
  5. Perform these tasks from the SP node term window:


    where SP_node_workstation_name is the host name of the control workstation. Log in as root.

  6. mount InfoPrint_Manager_software_server_hostname:/cdrom /cdrom where InfoPrint_Manager_software_server_hostname is the name of the local server that you are using.
  7. This command copies the mk_ip_remote script to a local directory where it can be used to create the InfoPrint Manager software server on the SP node control workstation.
    cp /cdrom/mk_ip_remote /tmp/mk_ip_remote
  8. Start the installation process by entering:/tmp/mk_ip_remote -s /cdrom Follow any directions that appear on the screen. The installation proceeds until you are prompted on the SP node term window with the question:
    Do you have additional features to install?
    If you started the installation with the InfoPrint Manager Service DVD-ROM, you will instead see a message that says: Remove APAR CD. Insert InfoPrint Manager Base CD. Press Enter when ready.
  9. Perform these tasks from the server term window:
    umount /cdrom

    This command unmounts the /cdrom file system on the local server so you can insert the next DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM drive.

  10. Replace the DVD-ROM and enter:
    mount /cdrom
  11. Perform this task from the SP node term window: type yes in response to the question asked in Step 8.

    The install proceeds until you are prompted on the SP node term window with the question:

    Do you have additional features to install?

  12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 for each InfoPrint feature DVD-ROM that you want to install until you have installed all of your features. Respond no when you have finished and the installation completes.

Note: For troubleshooting information about the installation process, refer to the specific /var/log/pd/install/*.wlog files.