Starting InfoPrint Manager

After you have completed the installation of InfoPrint and any optional features and rebooted the system, the InfoPrint Manager server starts automatically. You can then start the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI to view the initial configuration of your system.

You can start the GUI either from the front panel or from the command line.

From the front panel on an AIX system:

  1. Double-click Application Manager on the front panel. The Application Manager window displays.
    Note: The Application Manager icon looks like an open file drawer with a calculator visible.
  2. Double-click the InfoPrint folder icon. The Application Manager — InfoPrint window displays.
  3. Double-click Administration InfoPrint.
To start the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI from the AIX command line, enter ipguiadvadm.
Important: After Daylight Savings Time changes, some customers have reported discrepancies in their server accounting logs and others have reported job submission failures. The problem was resolved by stopping and starting the InfoPrint Managerserver. If you are already experiencing these symptoms or want to avoid them in the future, arrange to have your servers restarted immediately following a Daylight Savings Time change.