Fonts for printing DBCS ASCII and EUC data
In ideographic languages, like Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, there are thousands of characters. A single byte of information cannot represent all of these characters because a single byte only accommodates 256 characters. Therefore, at least one more byte of information is required.
For DBCS ASCII files, each ideographic character is exactly two bytes. For Extended UNIX Code (EUC) files, each ideographic character can be two, three, or four bytes, depending on the EUC implementation and language. Single-byte ASCII characters can be mixed in with DBCS ASCII and EUC characters.
InfoPrint supports printing DBCS ASCII and EUC files in these formats:
- DBCS ASCII files in the Japanese and Traditional Chinese languages, which can contain formatting controls for the IBM 5577 or 5587 printers.
- EUC files in the Japanese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean languages. EUC files cannot contain any formatting control characters.