Modifying the InfoPrint shell script
You can use the default version of the shell script, located in the /usr/lpp/pd/bin directory, or modify the shell script to meet the needs of your production printing environment. For example, you might include the path to AFP resources on the AIX system or change how the shell script generates the file name for the data set received from the MVS system. Or you might want to specify a default page definition.
When modifying the script, note that parameters you comment out do not get dropped but get sent passthrough to the actual destination. For example, if you comment out the value for copies defined in the script:
# cop ) outputstr="$outputstr results-profile=::${optparm#=}" ;;the script passes the original JCL copy-count value to the printer. Instead of commenting out the line in the shell script, change the name of the parameter to something that will be read as a value, but not passed onto the InfoPrint printer, such as junk:
cop ) junk="$outputstr results-profile=::${optparm#=}" ;;
- Note:
- Copy the shell script to another directory such as /var/pd and modify the copy. This eliminates the possibility of service overwriting your modifications.
- Only a person with
user authority or the InfoPrint Manager user can run this command.
The shell script and associated scripts have been changed to add support for AFP Download Plus and the multiple data set function of AFP Download Plus. If you already have custom scripts that will be used instead of the InfoPrint Manager provided scripts, make sure that they have been updated with the changes in the new scripts before using AFP Download Plus.
Changes to custom scripts/exits are only required if any of these new functions are desired:
- AFP Download Plus multiple data set
- Support for the pdpr retry count and retry interval
- Displaying the AFP Download Plus page count on the Admin/Operator GUI
- Printing/discarding AFP Download Plus failed jobs
- Using inline resources with Download for z/OS multiple data set
- Support for separator pages with AFP Download Plus multiple data set
- Using the new -w or -e option.
If none of these functions are used, the existing custom scripts can be used.
See the current sample script/exit provided and the sample script/exit that your custom script/exit is based on to determine the changes. From this, you will identify the proper approach for updating and testing your custom script/exit.