Using multiple printers with MVS Download Receiver
By default, an MVS Download Receiver process submits all jobs to the same logical printer. A parameter that specifies this logical printer starts the mvsprsd daemon. This printer is fixed for the duration of the process. If you want to send MVS jobs to multiple InfoPrint Manager printers, then multiple daemons must be started for each printer.
If you want a single mvsprsd daemon process to route MVS jobs to different printers, you can uncomment these lines from the shell script:
## #####################################################################
## The following code-segment should be uncommented if dynamic printer
## assignment is desired. Uncomment lines that are singly (#)
## commented. Lines with double comment (##) should remain
## commented.
## The MVS parameter DEST=xxxx is used to assign the logical printer
## (thereby making the MVS Download daemon's startup
## queue irrelevant).
## The assumption below is that the DEST passed is the actual name
## of an IPM logical destination. Note that both JES2 and JES3
## will pass the DEST in the NJE header in UPPER CASE but the
## code below will convert it to lower-case.
## #####################################################################
## Begin dynamic printer assignment from DEST
# MVSdest=${paopt##*destination=}
# if [ "$MVSdest" != "$paopt" ] ; then
# MVSdest=${MVSdest%%,*}
# MVSdest=${MVSdest% }
# if [ "$MVSdest" != "" ] ; then
# outputstr="$outputstr mvs-destination=$MVSdest"
# paopt=${paopt##destination=$MVSdest}
## The following typeset converts to lower-case (-l flag)