Resubmitting an orphaned file
- Go to the working directory where the failed job's JCL exists.
- Run the
command with these parameters (or create a shell script to run the command):1st parameter : PRD file (line data from host) 2nd parameter: Copy the content of JCL file 3rd paramete: Logical Dest name 4th parameter: none (blank) 5th parameter: none (blank) 6th parameter: MVSPRSD port number 7th parameter: none (blank) 8th parameter: 0 (zero)
For example:#!/bin/ksh JOB00838.SRV1.YAMASAK1.STEP1.PERFAIX.2005105.23235906438.PRD '"-odatat=line -ofileformat=record -occ=yes -occtype=a -ochars=GT10 -opagedef=P1V04863 -of=F10101LA -ocop=007 -odatac=unblock -ojobn=MYJOB -ous=MYNAME -oprmode=SOSI2 -otrc=yes -ono=BLDPSR