User authentication methods

Using local system account authentication with InfoPrint Manager GUI software

The standard FST information (user@host) is used for InfoPrint Manager authentication when you are logged in with your local account.

This authentication method is available only for the Java GUI. For more information on the FST security, see RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Procedures.

Using LDAP or Active Directory authentication with InfoPrint Manager GUI software

The system login is an LDAP or Active Directory authentication, called Single Sign-on (SSO). It does not request an additional authentication at the command runtime.

Single Sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows you to log in with a single ID and password to access multiple applications.

The default Windows login does not support LDAP, only the Active Directory authentication method.

If you are logged in using this type of authentication, the user name is used for InfoPrint Manager authentication.

This authentication method is available only for the Java GUI.

Using custom LDAP or Ac