Using InfoPrint Select for Windows
InfoPrint Select for Windows lets you submit and track jobs from a Windows workstation to a destination (whether print, or e-mail) that is managed by InfoPrint Manager. Through InfoPrint Select for Windows, you can submit jobs to InfoPrint Manager from word processors, spreadsheets, and other desktop applications. You can print from applications or from the DOS command line.
InfoPrint Select for Windows lets you:
- Specify AFP and other InfoPrint job attributes when submitting a job to the server
- Cancel and hold jobs in a queue
- Check the status of destinations before submitting jobs
- Print using LDAP authentication for job submission
This section contains procedures for using InfoPrint Select on the Windows platform. These topics are covered:
- Installing InfoPrint Select for Windows
- Configuring your InfoPrint Manager server to work with InfoPrint Select
- Creating InfoPrint Select printers on Windows
- Printing from applications
- Commands you can use with InfoPrint Select for Windows
- Using custom LDAP job authentication with InfoPrint Select for Windows
- Using InfoPrint Select for Windows with Anyplace printing