Installing the PDF Parallel RIP client

The Parallel PDF RIP client (pdfprs) replaces the standard pdf2afp client on your system.

The pdfprs component consists of these:

  • The pdfprs executable in the /usr/lpp/psf/bin directory
  • The pdf2afp configuration file in the /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp directory.

The Parallel PDF RIP client is best used on a server or servers, which can have from four to 16 processors. We recommend you set up a configuration to allow for system memory use like that displayed in Processors required to use the Parallel PDF RIP client.

Processors required to use the Parallel PDF RIP client

Processors Allocated Function Performed
1 network traffic, I/O processes, and general system overhead.
1 pdfprs client as defined in Sample configuration file for the pdfprs client.

This first RIP transforms PDF into PostScript data.

Each RIP is likely to use an entire processor to RIP the PDF files.

1 to n For each additional daemon RIP as defined in RIP Daemon configuration files.

The most basic configuration (the pdfprs client and two additional RIPs) requires a minimum of four processors. Make sure that your configuration can support this feature before installing it and submitting jobs through the InfoPrint Manager pdpr print command.

You must create the first RIP to transform PDF input data to PostScript data, then use at least a two-RIP configuration on your InfoPrint Manager server to transform the PDF into AFP data. To demonstrate how this support can be expanded by adding RIPs, this example creates a three-RIP configuration, with the first RIP transforming PDF input data into PostScript data. These RIPs still use the PostScript daemon (ps2afpd), just like the standard PDF transform.

From an InfoPrint Manager window, complete this procedure:

  1. Create a directory for the PDF Parallel RIP client to distinguish it from the standard PDF data stream transform:
    mkdir /var/psf/pdf2afp;chmod 777 /var/psf/pdf2afp
  2. Create working directories for each of the new PDF RIPS:
    mkdir /var/psf/pdf2afp/1;chmod 777 /var/psf/pdf2afp/1
    mkdir /var/psf/pdf2afp/2;chmod 777 /var/psf/pdf2afp/2
    mkdir /var/psf/pdf2afp/3;chmod 777 /var/psf/pdf2afp/3
    mkdir /var/psf/pdf2afp/4;chmod 777 /var/psf/pdf2afp/4
  3. Install new configuration files for each of these RIPS:
    • /var/psf/pdf2afp/8261.cfg
    • /var/psf/pdf2afp/8262.cfg
    • /var/psf/pdf2afp/8263.cfg
    • /var/psf/pdf2afp/8264.cfg

    Note that for each new configuration file, you must change the port, work_directory, and log_file values. These three parameters are highlighted in Sample PDF parallel transform (8264.cfg) configuration file for color so you can see the directory structure recommended for this configuration.

  4. From either the command line or the ps2afpd.cfg file, start daemons for each configuration file:
    ps2afpd -C /var/psf/pdf2afp/8261.cfg
    ps2afpd -C /var/psf/pdf2afp/8262.cfg
    ps2afpd -C /var/psf/pdf2afp/8263.cfg
    ps2afpd -C /var/psf/pdf2afp/8264.cfg