Automatic tasks during migration

This section details all sections of InfoPrint Manager that are automatically backed up during the migration process.

Custom notification and PSF exits

The program automatically backs up and restores any custom exits or PSF exits it finds including these two server exits:


FST security settings

ISMU automatically backs up and restores all the files within the /var/pddir/default_cell/acl directory.

Custom or modified halftones

ISMU backs up and restores all files from the /usr/lpp/psf/config/custom directory.

Transform configuration files

By default, InfoPrint Manager comes with these transforms: gif2afp, img2afp, jpeg2afp, pcl2afp, ps2afp, tiff2afp, and xml2afp. There are two other transforms that are installed separately: afp2pdf and sap2afp. The configuration files for all the transforms are located in /usr/lpp/psf/<transform_name_directory>, and if you modified them, then ISMU copies the modified files to the new server.

Server Admin/Operator GUI configuration/customization

ISMU copies all the ipgui_*.cfg files from /var/pd/gui directory to the new server.

Custom 64xx GRID mapping tables

ISMU copies all the customized *.grd files from /var/psf/<printer_name>.

Custom ICU tables

ISMU copies all the customized .cnv files from /usr/lpp/psf/unicode/data/mappings.

By default it contains 6 .cnv files:

  • icudt24b_ibm-1388-sap2afp.cnv
  • icudt24b_ibm-933-sap2afp.cnv
  • icudt24b_ibm-937-sap2afp.cnv
  • icudt24b_ibm-939-sap2afp.cnv
  • icudt24b_ibm-1399-sap2afp.cnv
  • icudt24b_IBM-943C.cnv
If these files exist, ISMU copies and restores all the files from /usr/lpp/psf/afp2pdf/cnv.