Configuring the Update Server on a Windows system with SSL/TLS

By default, InfoPrint Manager Update clients communicate with InfoPrint Manager Update Server without using any encryption. If it is required a secured communication (SSL/TLS), InfoPrint Manager Update Server can be configured using these steps:
  1. Copy the ipmssl.cfg file from <install_dir>\cfg-samples\ssl\ to <configuration_dir>\ssl directory.
  2. Edit the ipmssl.cfg file using a text editor to enable and configure the SSL/TLS communication.
    Note: For additional information on how to configure SSL/TLS communication, see the chapter Enabling Transport Layer Security encryption for InfoPrint Manager server for Windows in RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Procedures.
  3. Restart InfoPrint Manager Update Server.
    Note: When configured with TLS/SSL InfoPrint Manager Update Server issues a notification message in system log every time it starts.