Starting the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface

To start the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface:

  1. Open a compatible browser. For a list of supported browsers, see Verifying prerequisites in RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Linux: Planning Guide.
    • When you upgrade from a previous version of InfoPrint Manager, make sure that you clear your browser cache on each of the connected client systems.
  2. In the address bar, enter: http://hostname:14080/IPM where hostname is the InfoPrint Manager computer name or the IP address where you are running the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface application.
  3. Use these credentials in the login panel: DefaultUser for user name and password for password.
    • DefaultUser allows for verification that the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface can be started and enables the InfoPrint Manager admin to add new InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface users when the FST Security mode is used. Adding users in the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface is required when using the FST mode of security.
    • DefaultUser is not authorized as an InfoPrint Manager admin for creating objects such as printers. Therefore, a new admin user needs to be added.

Resetting the password for DefaultUser

• If you need to reset the DefaultUser password back to the initial default of password and no other user with admin rights can be logged into, then the only option is to delete the database and force the Web Server to recreate the DefaultUser with the default password.

Note: All the other users along with their preferences and configurations are lost.

To delete the database:

  1. Stop the Web Server.
  2. Go to /var/pd/ipwebgui/data/ and delete the contents of the data folder.
  3. Restart the Web Server.

Adding a connection to an InfoPrint Manager server

To add a connection:

  1. In the left-hand Objects panel, click the Connections icon.
  2. Click the panel menu icon and select Add Connection.
  3. In the Add Connection dialog, enter values in the fields as required.
    1. Enter the InfoPrint Manager server hosting machine as an IP address or as a DNS host name in the IP Address or Host Name field.
    2. Enter the server port number in the Port field. The default port number is 6874.
    3. In the Connection Name field, enter a name for the connection.
    4. Save the connection.
      • Click ADD to save the connection settings and add it to the connections list in the Objects panel.
      • Click ADD and CONNECT to save the connection settings, add it to the list, and enable the connection.

Adding an admin user in the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface

  • The following instructions only apply if InfoPrint Manager is running in FST mode. They do not apply if InfoPrint Manager is running in AD/LDAP mode or federated authentication mode.

To add a new admin user:

  1. Click Settings and select User Management.
  2. Click the + New button.
  3. In the Edit User Profile dialog, fill in the fields.
    • In the FST Mapping field, map to an exact FST User from the admin or oper group as displayed in the Security Groups in the Windows Management Console, Linux Management Interface, or AIX SMIT panels.
    • If mapping an administrator user ID to ipm1 (or the InfoPrint Manager user, if different than the default of ipm1), add @username to differentiate each user. If identifying individual users is required, then map to the unique user ID.
  4. For admins, check Web GUI User Manager.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Log out and log back in as the new admin user. You will be prompted to add a connection.
    • You might need to stop and restart the Web Server in the Windows Management Console, Linux Management Interface, or AIX SMIT.