Technical description of multiple data set support
This describes the sequence of the multiple data set support.
- The MVS Download receiver receives a data set into a file.
- The MVS Download receiver invokes the InfoPrint Manager sample exit to spool the file. (You associated the sample exit with this receiver when you created it.)
- If MVS user exit 15 or AFP Download Plus marked the file as part of a multiple data set job, the sample exit does not immediately spool the file. Instead, the sample exit calls a second program, which invokes ACIF to transform the file into MO:DCA-P if it is from MVS Download.
- After the last file in a multiple data set job is received and transformed to MO:DCA-P for MVS Download, the sample exit invokes the afpconcat program to create one file with a comprehensive inline form definition and all the MO:DCA-P documents. The afpconcat program can combine the multiple MO:DCA-P files received from MVS Download into a single MO:DCA-P file. The comprehensive inline form definition contains medium maps (copy groups) from all of the form definitions associated with the individual data sets. The formdefs requested for each input file are merged into a single combined formdef that is placed inline in the output MO:DCA-P document.
- If medium map names collide, the afpconcat program assigns unique names and updates references in the MO:DCA-P documents.
- The afpconcat program merges the inline resource group, discarding page definitions and the original form definitions. Resources with matching resource names and types are compared to verify that they are identical.
- The sample exit spools the combined MO:DCA-P file.