Collecting required information

Before you can print to an InfoPrint Manager destination from a Windows application, you must add an InfoPrint Select printer to your Windows environment. Collect these information before you begin:

  • The host name or IP address of the InfoPrint Manager server.
  • The port number that the InfoPrint Manager server uses to communicate with client systems. The default is 6874.

    You can find this port number in the Service Configuration dialog in the Management Console.

  • The names of destinations to use.
  • The names of the drivers to associate with each destination.
  • Where the driver files are located (on a DVD-ROM, on a network server, or on your local system).
  • The name of the server where your actual or logical destination is located in (this value is optional).

Verify that the InfoPrint Manager server destinations have been configured correctly. For more information, see Configuring your InfoPrint Manager server to work with InfoPrint Select.

Choosing the Right PPD
If you plan to use InfoPrint Select to print PostScript jobs to an AIX DSS (InfoPrint Manager for AIX only), BSD DSS, or Passthrough DSS (InfoPrint Manager for Windows only) printer, be sure to use the PostScript printer driver that came with your printer when you create an InfoPrint Select printer on your desktop. These drivers include PostScript Printer Definitions (PPDs) that are specific to your printer.
Drivers and finishing
If you are submitting an AFP job to an IPDS printer, you can use the AFP driver that is described in Installing and configuring the AFP driver.

The automatic data stream transforms that PSF printers use do not always support finishing (stapling). Some PostScript drivers, however, will support some finishing options. The finishing options that are supported include saddle and edge stitch, as well as corner stitch in MO:DCA (Mixed Object Document Content Architecture), using both landscape and portrait modes.

If you are using InfoPrint Select to submit PCL or PostScript jobs to a PSF printer (destination), you might discover that you cannot specify finishing options when you submit a job, even if the print driver you use supports those options. It is recommended that you either use a different method to submit those print jobs or that you submit them to an InfoPrint printer that does not transform the data stream (such as a Passthrough printer on InfoPrint Manager for Windows or an AIX printer on InfoPrint Manager for AIX).

If you cannot use a different submission method and cannot submit your jobs to a different type of InfoPrint printer, the only way to request finishing options on PCL and PostScript jobs submitted to a PSF destination is to specify the finishing attributes for the job. You have several options:

  • You can create an attributes file for InfoPrint Select to use that contains the finishing attributes for your job. Then when you submit your job, you designate the file containing your finishing attributes as your attributes file (see Specifying InfoPrint attributes for more information).
  • You can also specify the finishing options separately under the Other tab in the InfoPrint SelectJob Settings dialog using the attributes entry (see Specifying InfoPrint attributes for more information).
  • You can use a default job.

    A default job is a list of attributes that is applied to every job that a particular logical destination receives. You can use the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI to modify the default job for the logical destination that InfoPrint Select sends jobs to so that it requests the appropriate finishing options. However, this method is not recommended for two reasons:

    1. Every job that you send to that logical destination will be finished the same way. For example, if you set the Finishing options attribute of the default job to staple-top-left, every job that is submitted to that printer will be stapled.
    2. A logical destination can only have one default job, and a default job can only have one finishing option set. To use different finishing options, you must create multiple logical destinations, each with different options set on the default jobs. Then, you must create a different printer on your desktop to submit jobs to each logical destination.
    Note: Actual destinations do not have default jobs.