
A step based on the SetPropertiesForReconcile step template sets job and document properties that are required for manual reconciliation or automated verification.

Job property defaults

  • Insert iteration: 1

Usage notes

  • This step sets the Insert sequence document property to the numerical position of each document in the job.
  • A step based on the SetPropertiesForReconcile step template must run after a step based on the WriteDocumentsToDatabase step template and after any step that changes the position of the documents in the job.
  • A step based on the SetPropertiesForReconcile step template must run before any step that relies on the value of the Insert sequence document property. Examples include steps based on the BuildAFPFromDocuments or BuildPDFFromDocuments step template.
  • If you run the SetPropertiesForReconcile step before the Reconcile step, you can use any of the three methods to find documents in the Reconcile dialog:
    • If you choose By properties, you can choose the Insert sequence property and enter a collection of values to find.
    • If you choose By barcode scan, you can scan the barcodes on the documents that you want to find. The Insert sequence property must be included in both the barcode format and the barcodes that are printed on the documents.
    • If you choose By range, you can define a range of values by specifying the first and last Insert sequence values to include.
  • This step must run on the primary server.