Supplied step templates
You can add a step created from a step template to any phase of a workflow. The phases provide logical groupings for steps. Some steps go logically in a single phase. For example, the Print phase is a logical choice for the PrintJobs step. Other steps go logically in several phases. For example, to save a copy of a print file before RICOH ProcessDirector sends it to a transform program for conversion to a different data stream, add a CopyToFolder step to the Prepare phase. Then, to save a copy of the file after it prints, add another CopyToFolder step to the Complete phase. Or to verify that the correct forms are loaded before printing a job, add a ManualStepWithAutoStart step to the Prepare phase. Then, to conduct a print quality check after the job is printed, add another ManualStepWithAutoStart step to the Print phase after the PrintJobs step.
In this section:
- AddPageExceptionsToAFPA step based on this step template uses the page exception file generated by the ExtractPageExceptions step and converts the media settings into an inline form definition with the appropriate medium maps. The step also inserts Invoke Medium Map (IMM) structured fields into the output AFP file so that the page exceptions take effect on the correct pages.
- ApplyPreferencesA step that is based on this step template uses a property mapping object to interpret a preferences file. The information in the preferences file is used to add or update one or more document property values in the document properties file (DPF).
- ApplyXSLTransformA step based on this step template uses an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) style sheet to convert a file in one format into another format. For example, the step can convert XML into another XML format for use as a JDF job ticket or as input to the CreateJobsFromXML step. The step also can convert XML into a text file containing RICOH ProcessDirector job or document properties.
- AssignJobValuesAdd this step to a workflow to set job properties to be used by any steps that follow this one in the workflow. The AssignJobValues step is particularly useful in combination with the use of rules on connectors between steps in a workflow.
- BuildAFPFromDocumentsA step based on the BuildAFPFromDocuments step template creates a single AFP file for the current job, placing the documents in the sequence specified in the document properties file. The AFP file produced by this step becomes the AFP file for the subsequent steps in the workflow.
- BuildAFPFromZIPA step that is based on this step template builds a single AFP file from the contents of a ZIP file.
- BuildExternalDocPropsFileA step based on this step template lets you extract document data from the document properties file and create a file with the document data and headings that you need to send to an external program. The file you create is called an external document properties file.
- BuildFileFromPropertiesA step based on this step template creates an output file that contains the values of RICOH ProcessDirector job and document properties for a job. The file can be in any format, including XML, JSON, and CSV.
- BuildPDFFromDocumentsA step based on the BuildPDFFromDocuments step template creates a single PDF file for the current job. The step places the documents in the sequence that is specified in the document properties file. After creating the PDF file, the step optimizes the file. The step also creates a JDF job ticket with media and finishing options.
- BuildPDFFromSetsA step that is based on this step template concatenates the PDF files received by a hot folder input device that uses the Number of sets, Pages in sets, or Sets by time batching method into a single PDF file.
- BuildPDFFromZIPA step that is based on this step template builds a single PDF file from the contents of a
file. - CallRESTServiceA step based on this step template lets you call REST-based web services to communicate with applications.
- CallSOAPServiceA step based on this step template lets you call SOAP-based web services to communicate with applications.
- ChangeHeaderA step that is based on this step template changes the contents of the banner page that prints before the print job. Use this step template with the preview print function to identify the properties used for a given sample job.
- ChangeJobTypeA step that is based on the ChangeJobType step template transfers control to the workflow specified in the New workflow property. ChangeJobType lets you reuse some of the information from another workflow to avoid repetition.
- CheckFileStructureA step based on this step template checks that the syntax of a JSON or XML file is valid. If the syntax is not valid, the job goes into the error state.
- CombineAFPWithFormA step based on this step template replaces preprinted forms by combining electronic forms with data in AFP files.
- CombinePDFWithFormA step based on this step template replaces preprinted forms by combining electronic forms with data in PDF files.
- CompleteDocumentsA step that is based on the CompleteDocuments step template causes the documents in the job to move to the Complete state. A workflow used for production jobs can specify the CompleteDocuments step to inform the workflow for the original job that its WaitForDocumentCompletion step can complete.
- ComposeAFPA step that is based on this step template uses Quadient Inspire Designer to generate a new AFP file from a WFD file and raw data files. The step waits for the new file to be returned.
- ComposePDFA step that is based on this step template uses Quadient Inspire Designer to generate a new PDF file from a WFD file and one or more raw data files. The step waits for the new file to be returned.
- CompressFilesA step that is based on this step template compresses job files that match the value of the Compress file patterns job property.
- ContinueToNextStepA step that is based on this step template continues to the next step without doing any processing. You can use this step to establish a restart point when reprocessing a job, using the Step restart type property.
- ConvertJSONtoXMLA step based on this step template transforms a JSON file into an XML file.
- ConvertLineDataJobIntoAFPA step that is based on this step template converts a line-data job into the Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) format by calling the line2afp data stream conversion component of RICOH ProcessDirector as an external program. This step also sets a variety of job properties that control the conversion process.
- CopyToFolderA step that is based on this step template copies a RICOH ProcessDirector print file from the spool directory for the job to a different directory location. Replace the
directory in the external command for the step template with an existing directory before using the step template as a step in a workflow. - CountPagesA step that is based on this step template calculates the number of pages and sheets for the job, and locates the beginning of each page in a job for use with the viewer component.
- CreateAFPJobsFromDocumentsA step that is based on the CreateAFPJobsFromDocuments step template generates one or more child AFP jobs.
- CreateJobFromFilesA step that is based on this step template creates a child job from one or more source (input) files. If you specify more than one source file, the system automatically concatenates them. You use this step when you want to create a new job that operates on a single file. For example, if you have one or more text or PostScript files produced by a job that are auxiliary to the main print file, you can use a step based on this step template to create another job to print those files.
- CreateInserterReprintsA step based on the CreateInserterReprints step template processes documents to be reprinted after insertion by creating a print file containing only the reprints. The documents are processed using the workflow you specify and the reprint method specified for the inserter controller.
- CreateJobsFromDocumentsA step that is based on this step template generates one or more jobs based on entries in the document properties file for the original job. By default, child jobs are created.
- CreateJobsFromRepositorySearchA step that is based on this step template searches a repository and creates one or more jobs based on the data retrieved. The step processes these searches based on the criteria specified in a file or a string. When the step completes, new jobs are created using the selected workflow with the data retrieved from the search.
- CreateJobsFromXMLA step based on this step template lets you create one or more XML jobs from the contents of an XML input file. The step submits the jobs to a workflow that you specify.
- CreateOrdersFromFileA step based on this step template lets you create one or more orders from the contents of an XML input file, using the values configured in an order property mapping object. The step submits the jobs to a workflow that you specify.
- CreateOrderInSlingshotA step based on this step template lets you call an Avanti Slingshot web service that creates an order for a job received from RICOH ProcessDirector.
- CreatePageRangesA step that is based on this step template rebuilds the page information needed for accurate repositioning when a partial job is reprinted. When all pages of a job are being printed, this step takes no action.
- CreateReprintsA step based on the CreateReprints step template processes documents to be reprinted after reconciliation by creating a print file containing only the reprints. The documents are processed using the workflow you specify.
- DecryptPDFA step based on this step template decrypts and removes password protection for a PDF file.
- DetectInputDatastreamA step that is based on this step template analyzes the first bytes of the input file when the input data stream type is Unknown. If the step can determine the type of the input data stream, the step sets the value of the Input data stream property accordingly.
- DownloadFileA step based on this step template downloads a file from an external source to a location that the RICOH ProcessDirector server can access.
- EditAFPA step that is based on this step template creates barcodes, text, and hidden areas in AFP files. The barcodes, text, and hidden areas are defined in a control file that you create using RICOH Visual Workbench and AFP Editor. When you configure the step, you can choose to create any page groups and index tags that are defined in the same control file before creating the barcodes, text, and hidden areas. You use AFP Indexer to create page groups and index tags.
- EmailDocumentsA step based on this step template emails each PDF document in a job as an attachment to an individual email address.
- EnableRepositioningA step that is based on this step template locates the beginning of each page in an AFP or PDF job for use with the RICOH ProcessDirector viewer component.
- EncryptPDFA step based on this step template encrypts and password-protects a PDF file.
- EnhancePDFA step that is based on the EnhancePDF step template manipulates or evaluates a PDF file. The actions that manipulate or evaluate the file include rotating pages, removing pages, adding stamp annotations, and checking that the file meets PDF specifications. For each PDF job, the step receives both a PDF file and a JDF job ticket as input.
- ExportFromRepositoryA step based on this step template exports properties from entries in a repository using the search criteria specified in a file or a string. The step uses the entries in the Search criteria to retrieve archived results in the same way that the Search function of the Archive tab does in the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface.
- ExtractPageExceptionsA step based on this step template reads the page exceptions for the job, either from the JDF file or created in the user interface, and writes them to a tab-delimited file.
- FailWithMessageAdd this step to a workflow to have a job go into error with a customizable message that RICOH ProcessDirector writes to the job log. The FailWithMessage step is particularly useful when a job stops in a step because the conditional processing in a workflow gives unexpected results. For example, you add a FailWithMessage step as the last conditional branch from a step. If RICOH ProcessDirector cannot send a job through the other branches of a step, it sends the job to the FailWithMessage step and writes a failure message to the job log.
- FillWhiteSpaceA step that is based on this step template fills white space areas in AFP files with content, such as images or text. The white space is defined in a control file that you create using the Whitespace Manager feature of RICOH Visual Workbench. When you configure the step, you can choose to create any page groups, index tags, barcodes, hidden areas, and text that are defined in the same control file before filling the white space areas. You use AFP Indexer to create page groups and index tags and AFP Editor to create barcodes, hidden areas, and text.
- GetTransformPageExceptionsA step based on this step template lets you include page exceptions when you use the Advanced Transform feature to transform AFP input into PDF or PostScript output. The step converts tray information in the AFP form definition into media objects in the job ticket for PDF or PostScript output.
- GroupDocumentsA step that is based on the GroupDocuments step template updates the document properties file to identify groups of documents based on up to six document properties. After you have grouped documents, you can use a step based on the CreateJobsFromDocuments step template to create a separate child job for each group.
- IdentifyDocumentsA step based on the IdentifyDocuments step template determines page and sheet counts, sets the values of properties for each document in the AFP file, and writes the properties to the document properties file. If you specify a Visual Workbench control file that links document properties to index tags, the step sets the values of the document properties equal to the values of the index tags (TLEs). The AFP file must have page groups (BNGs) defined before the step runs.
- IdentifyPDFDocumentsA step based on the IdentifyPDFDocuments step template identifies the documents in one or more PDF files. For each document, the step determines page and sheet counts and the values of document properties. The step writes the properties and their values to a document properties file.
- IdentifyPDFDocumentsFromZipA step based on the IdentifyPDFDocumentsFromZip step template determines page and sheet counts, determines the values of properties for each document in the PDF file, writes the properties to the document properties file, and builds a single PDF file from the contents of a ZIP file.
- IndexAFPA step that is based on this step template creates page groups and index tags in AFP files. The page groups and index tags are defined in a control file that you create using RICOH Visual Workbench and AFP Indexer.
- InsertCMRA step that is based on this step template inserts a color management resource that meets your specifications into a job.
- InsertJobsA step based on the InsertJobs step template processes a job for insertion. Also, it can receive and interpret an inserter results file from the inserter controller.
- ManualStepWithAutoStartA step that is based on this step template stops a job in its workflow so that you can do a manual operation.
- ManualStepWithManualStartA step that is based on this step template lets you start a manual operation, such as moving a roll of output to the postprocessing area.
- MapExternalResultsFiletoDocPropsA step based on this step template maps document properties that you select from an external results file to the document properties included in a modified results file. The external results file is produced by an external program. The modified results file is formatted to contain the document properties from the external results file that must be placed in the document properties file. The modified results file is the input to a step based on the UpdateDocPropsFromExternalResultsFile step template, which applies the changes to the document properties file.
- OptimizeJDFA step that is based on the OptimizeJDF step template reduces the complexity of the JDF job ticket by combining the page exceptions for media, finishing, and sides options.
- OptimizePDFA step that is based on the OptimizePDF step template reduces the size of a PDF file and removes elements that are not needed.
- PrepareJobFromRepositorySearchA step that is based on this step template creates a job from the output of a step based on the CreateJobsFromRepositorySearch step template.
- PreparePDFOutputForFinishingA step based on the PreparePDFOutputForFinishing step template lets you select page layout options for the job in preparation for post-processing, such as finishing. For example, if you are printing a continuous forms job that is placed onto a roll as it exits the printer, you can use this step to change the print direction and page order so that the paper is oriented correctly when it enters the finishing equipment. You can also prepare your printer output for 1-up or 2-up printing as required by finishing equipment such as a cutter or folder.
- PreviewPrintA step that is based on this step template sends a selection of pages from a job to a printer to be printed. You can use the output to determine whether the job properties are set correctly. If they are not set correctly, you can modify them before you print the entire job.
- PrintJobsA step that is based on this step template uses the printer and job scheduling properties to assign the job to a printer.
- PullFromSFTPA step based on this step template retrieves files from a remote server via SFTP.
- PushToSFTPA step based on this step template sends files to a remote server via SFTP.
- ReadBarcodeDataA step based on this step template determines whether the barcodes for all the documents in a job have been read. To make the determination, the step checks the results file that one or more barcode readers update.
- ReadDocumentsFromDatabaseA step that is based on the ReadDocumentsFromDatabase step template copies the values of document properties for every document associated with the job from the document database or from the document's original job into the production job's document properties file.
- ReconcileA step based on the Reconcile step template determines the action to take for the documents in the job based on the status of each document. This step can automatically reconcile the job, or the operator can manually reconcile it.
- RemoveDataFromRepositoryA step that is based on this step template searches a repository and removes the data that matches one or more search criteria from the repository. When the search completes, the data returned in the search results is removed from the repository.
- RemoveJobsA step based on this step template exports audit information and removes the job from the system. You can choose whether the step removes job files immediately or waits until the system is less busy processing jobs.
- RetainCompletedJobs
- ReverseOutputOrderA step that is based on this step template causes pages to print in reverse order. The last page in the job prints first. You can use ReverseOutputOrder with any supported page layout.
- ReversePDFPageOrderA step that is based on this step template causes pages to print in reverse order. The last page in the job prints first. You can use ReversePDFPageOrder with any supported page layout.
- RunExternalProgramA step that is based on this step template submits the RICOH ProcessDirector job to an external program for processing. Because processing is external to RICOH ProcessDirector, steps created from this step template are called external steps. You can use this step template to run composition programs on the primary computer, a secondary computer, or an application server.
- RunFusionProA step based on this step template sends a print job to FusionPro where an input data file is composed into a print file based on the templates set in FusionPro.
- RunHotFolderApplicationA step based on this step template puts the RICOH ProcessDirector job in a hot folder that submits it to an external program. When the external program finishes processing the job, the step retrieves the job from the hot folder for the output of the external program.
- RunImpostripOnJobA step based on this step template sends a PDF print job to Ultimate Impostrip® for impositioning. The step waits for Ultimate Impostrip® to return the updated job, then continues processing with the next step.
- RunPitStopOnJobA step that is based on this step template sends a PDF print job to PitStop Server for preflight processing. The step waits for the PitStop Server to return the updated job, then continues processing with the next step.
- SendEmailA step based on this step template sends email with or without attachments to an SMTP server. The attachments can be complete print files, partial print files, or other files.
- SendInserterControlFileA step based on the SendInserterControlFile step template runs a script that transfers the inserter control file to the inserter controller.
- SendToOutputDeviceA step based on the SendToOutputDevice step template uses scheduling properties to assign jobs to an output device. .
- SetDeadlineA step based on this step template sets a date and time by which the job must complete a Deadline step to have a Deadline outcome of Met. If a job does not complete the Deadline step before the deadline time, the Deadline outcome for the job is set to Missed. The Deadline outcome of Met or Missed is set after the deadline time has passed.
- SetDocPropsFromConditionsA step that is based on the SetDocPropsFromConditions step template updates the document properties file in the job based on other document and job property values. You use a property conditions file to assign property values.
- SetDocPropsFromListA step based on this step template reads one or more list files in a directory and sets the value of a specified document property for each document in the document properties file (DPF) for the job.
- SetInsertPropertiesA step based on the SetInsertProperties step template sets document properties that are required for insertion.
- SetJobPropsFromOriginalWhen a step that is based on the SetJobPropsFromOriginal step template processes a child job, it copies the values of some job properties from the parent job to the child job.
- SetJobPropsFromTextFileA step that is based on this step template uses a text file that accompanies the input file to set job properties. The text file specifies which properties to set.
- SetJobTypeFromFileNameA step that is based on this step template uses a pattern-matching string to set the workflow from a portion of the input-file name. The step can also convert an optional overrides file submitted with a job to a file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format, which the SetJobPropsFromTextFile step uses to set job properties. This type of step cannot be added to a workflow; it is set as the value of the Workflow initialization step, the Child workflow initialization step, or both properties of an input device.
- SetJobTypeFromRulesThis step template is used by an input device to set the workflow from a value of a parameter that accompanies the input file. The step can also convert an optional overrides file submitted with a job to a file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format, which the SetJobPropsFromTextFile step uses to set job properties. This type of step cannot be added to a workflow; it is set as the value of the Workflow initialization step or the Child workflow initialization step on an input device.
- SetPostalJobPropsA step based on this step template lets you set job properties needed by postal software to determine how to process the mailpiece information contained within the external document properties file.
- SetPropertiesForReconcileA step based on the SetPropertiesForReconcile step template sets job and document properties that are required for manual reconciliation or automated verification.
- SetWPMPropertiesThis step template specifies values that are included on the User Information Page (UIP) that RICOH ProcessDirector can create and send to a WPM AFP Emulator.
- SnapshotJobFileA step that is based on this step template makes a copy of the print job at this point in the workflow and stores it so RICOH ProcessDirector can access it later. Use this step template with the preview print function to make sure that the modifications made for each preview print are applied to the same print job file.
- SplitDocumentsA step that is based on the SplitDocuments step template updates the document properties file to define child jobs within the group.
- SortDocumentsA step that is based on the SortDocuments step template updates the document properties file to reorder the documents in a group according to their values for the sort properties. For example, you can sort the documents in a job to appear in ascending order by account number. You can select up to six fields from the document properties file by which to sort the documents.
- StandardizeAFPA step that is based on this step template adjusts the AFP print file to reference the correct medium maps when processing documents. The medium map specifies formatting options, such as duplex options and overlays. For accurate document processing, AFP files must contain an Invoke Medium Map (IMM) structured field in each document (page group) so that RICOH ProcessDirector knows which medium map to use. This step adds IMM structured fields in each document in a job if they do not already exist. For duplex jobs, this step also ensures that an even number of pages are included in each page group.
- StoreInRepositoryA step that is based on this step template stores a copy of the file selected by the File to store property, history information about the job, or both the file and history information in a repository for a set period of time. You must specify the job and document property values that you want to store along with the job or history information. Those values can be used to retrieve the job, documents inside the job, or job history at a later time.
- SubmitChildFilesA step that is based on this step template is used internally to create child jobs from the SubmitInputFiles step. It cannot be added to a workflow and cannot be set as a property of an input device; it is invoked automatically when it is needed.
- SubmitInputFilesA step that is based on this step template submits a group of input files according to the batching method specified. This type of step cannot be added to a workflow; it is set as the value of the Submit step property of an input device.
- TransformJobIntoAFPA step that is based on this step template calls a RICOH ProcessDirector Transform to convert a job to AFP.
- TransformJobIntoPDFA step that is based on this step template calls a RICOH ProcessDirector Transform to convert a file to PDF.
- TransformToPDFWithMediaInfoA step based on this step template calls the Advanced Transform feature to transform AFP or PostScript input into PDF output. The step creates a PDF file for the job and a JDF job ticket with media information, including page exceptions.
- TransformWithAdvancedFeatureA step that is based on this step template calls the Advanced Transform feature to convert a job from one data stream to another.
- UpdateDocPropsFromExtResultsFileA step based on this template merges the properties in the modified results file into the document properties file for the job.
- UpdateDocumentsInDatabaseA step that is based on the UpdateDocumentsInDatabase step template updates the document properties in the database using the values from the document properties file. For example, you might want to include a step in your workflow that calls an external program to calculate values of some custom document properties; you can use a step based on the UpdateDocumentsInDatabase step template to put those results into the document database. Values in the document properties file are not changed.
- UseInlineFormDefinitionA step that is based on this step template searches the job for an inline form definition (FORMDEF). If it locates an inline form definition, the step removes the value that is set for the Form definition job property. If the Form definition value is null, RICOH ProcessDirector uses the inline form definition.
- VerifyPrintedSheetCountA step that is based on this step template checks to see if the correct number of sheets have been stacked after an AFP job has successfully finished printing. You must explicitly add this step to the workflow. None of the workflows that RICOH ProcessDirector supplies include this step.
- VerifyReceivedSheetCountA step that is based on this step template compares the page and sheet count values that RICOH ProcessDirector receives from AFP Download Plus with the values that are calculated in the EnableRepositioning step.
- WaitA step based on this step template moves the job to the Waiting state for a certain amount of time. The step waits for either a specific length of time or until a certain time of day.
- WaitForDocumentCompletionA step that is based on the WaitForDocumentCompletion step template causes the job to wait until all documents associated with that job are in the Complete state. If no documents are associated with the job, the job does not wait and completes this step immediately. This step template is similar to the WaitForRelatedJobs step template, except that WaitForDocumentCompletion is intended for use with jobs that have been processed to be treated as documents.
- WaitForGroupA step that is based on this step template waits for all jobs with the same group ID to reach this step before it moves them on to the next step. This step should be run before the PrintJobs step.
- WaitForRelatedJobsA step based on this step template waits to move a job to the next step in the workflow until all related jobs are ready to begin the next step. This step must occur in the same phase in all related workflows.
- WriteDocumentsToDatabaseA step that is based on the WriteDocumentsToDatabase step template reads a document properties file for a job and inserts the values of each document property into the database.
- WriteInserterControlFileA step based on the WriteInserterControlFile step template creates an inserter control file for the job. The control file tells the inserter how to process each document in the job.
- WriteJobLogA step that is based on this step template writes information for the RICOH ProcessDirector job to an audit file.
- WritePropsToReportsDatabaseA step based on this step template lets you choose which job and document properties to store in the Reports database when the step runs. You can insert multiple copies of this step template in a workflow to store different properties at different times during job processing.
- ZIPFilesA step based on this step template creates a ZIP file from a comma-separated list of files.
- No longer supportedThis is a list of the step templates that were removed or do not produce any output if used.