
This step template is used by an input device to set the workflow from a value of a parameter that accompanies the input file. The step can also convert an optional overrides file submitted with a job to a file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format, which the SetJobPropsFromTextFile step uses to set job properties. This type of step cannot be added to a workflow; it is set as the value of the Workflow initialization step or the Child workflow initialization step on an input device.

Associated properties

  • Workflow initialization step
  • Child workflow initialization step

Job property defaults

  • None

Usage notes

  • If the initialization step or Child workflow initialization step property for an input device is set to SetJobTypeFromRules, set the Parent workflow parsing rules or Child workflow parsing rules property to the name of the control file to use. RICOH ProcessDirector provides sample control files that are installed in the /aiw/aiw1/samples/rules/ directory. Administrators can copy these files to the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/rules/ directory and modify them to meet the requirements of the installation:
    File name Determines workflow from
    receive_lpd_pdf_jobtype.cfg LPD control file parameters for PDF jobs
    receive_text_jobtype.cfg jobID.overrides.text file or jobID.overrides.jdf file
    receive_jcl_jobtype.cfg JCL parameters

    This file is only available if the AFP Support feature is installed.

    receive_lpd_jobtype.cfg LPD control file parameters for AFP jobs

    This file is only available if the AFP Support feature is installed.

  • The SetJobTypeFromRules can convert an optional Job Definition Format (JDF) job ticket file, jobID.overrides.jdf, to a temporary text-based overrides file that it can use with the jobID.overrides.text file to set the workflow.
  • Set the Convert overrides property for a hot folder input device that uses this type of step to Yes if a control file is required to convert the overrides file submitted with a job to a job properties file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format.
  • The values specified in the control file overrule the values for the same properties that are set by the steps in the workflow.
  • You cannot copy or delete this step template.