Uninstalling the base product, features, and extensions

You can use one command to uninstall the base product and all features and extensions (except Secondary Server features) at the same time. You cannot uninstall features or extensions individually.

To uninstall the base product and all features and extensions:

  1. Log in to the primary computer as the root user.
  2. Enter one of these commands:
    • If you are running the primary computer from a graphical user interface such as X Windows:
      • /opt/infoprint/ippd/_uninstall/ippd/removeIPPD -i gui
    • If you are running the primary computer from a terminal window:
      • /opt/infoprint/ippd/_uninstall/ippd/removeIPPD -i console
    • If you see an error that the Java virtual machine cannot be found, enter this command, then try to run the command again:

      . ~aiw1/.profile

    RICOH ProcessDirector starts the program that guides you through the uninstallation process. Follow the instructions in the program.
  3. Click Uninstall to start the uninstallation process.
    You can choose to remove the system user (aiw1), the system group (aiwgrp1), and the DB2 database user (aiwclnt) and group (aiwdbgrp).
    When the uninstallation is complete, you either see a message that the uninstallation was successful or a message that there were errors and the location of the error log file.
  4. Click Done.
  5. The uninstallation program leaves behind part of the directory structure. To completely remove all files that the RICOH ProcessDirector installation program installed, remove any file systems that were created as part of the installation.
    File systems to remove include:
    • /aiw/aiw1/db2
    • /aiw/aiw1/db2_logs
    • /aiw
    • /opt/infoprint/ippd
    • /var/psf/segments
    • /var/psf
    • /var/aiw
    • Do not remove the /opt/infoprint directory if RICOH InfoPrint XT or RICOH Transform Feature are installed on the server you are using.
  6. To remove the RICOH ProcessDirector databases and DB2 instance from a DB2 server on a different computer:
    1. Log in to that computer as the DB2 instance owner of the RICOH ProcessDirector database.
    2. Insert the RICOH ProcessDirector base product DVD in the drive.
    3. Go to the /scripts directory on the RICOH ProcessDirector base product DVD.
    4. Enter this command to run the uninstall script:
      • ./remoteDB2uninstall.sh
    • remoteDB2uninstall.sh lets you choose whether to remove the RICOH ProcessDirector user IDs or user groups created by setupRemoteDB2.sh. It does not remove RICOH ProcessDirector user IDs or user groups that you created manually.
  7. To remove the Docker container when you are using a PostgreSQL database installed with RICOH ProcessDirector, you must first stop the Docker container and then remove it.
    1. Enter this command to stop the Docker container:
      docker stop container-name
    2. Enter this command to remove the Docker container:
      docker rm container-name
    3. Enter this command if you also want to remove the associated volumes:
      docker volume prune

      This command deletes all persistent data previously associated with containers that have now been removed.

    The container-name is rpd-aiwdb-postgres for the primary database and rpd-reports-postgres for the Reports database.
  8. Restart the primary computer.