Creating workflows that use input and output transforms
After you install one or more input and output transforms for the Advanced Transform
feature, you can create workflows that use those transforms.
- Click the Workflow tab.
- Create workflows for each transform that you want to support:
- In the Workflow tab, right-click a workflow that you want to use as a model and select Copy.
- Name the copy of the workflow, fill in or edit other values that you need, and click Continue.
- Add a step based on the TransformWithAdvancedFeature step template to the workflow.
- Right-click the step and select Properties.
- Click Transform, and update the Transform input stream and Transform output stream properties appropriately.If the workflow processes jobs in various datastreams, set Transform input stream to Use current. This setting is also appropriate for jobs that contain multiple data types, such as AFP print jobs that include images or PDF files in object containers.
- Update the properties for the other steps in the workflow with the values that you need.
- Save and enable the workflow by changing
, the Save & Enable/Disable switch, to the On position.