Connecting to the Reports database

You can connect to the Reports database directly by using psql, an interactive terminal program. After you make the connection, you can use SQL statements to extract or query the data without using a business intelligence tool.
  • You do not have to follow this procedure if you use Data Transmitters.

To verify that the Reports database is running, try to connect to it. If you get the psql command prompt, the database is running.

To connect to the Reports database:
  1. Log in to the primary computer and open a command line.
  2. Change directories to the correct option for your system.
    • C:\aiw\aiw1\bin\postgresql\Windows\pgsql\bin


    • <RPD Install Directory>\PostgreSQL\bin\
  3. Enter this command: ./psql databaseusername

    Replace database with the name of the database that you specified in Administration Reports Database Settings. The default is history.

    Replace username with the user name that you specified in Administration Reports Database Settings. The default is rpdreports.

  4. If prompted, enter the password that you specified in Administration Reports Database Settings.

    The psql command prompt database=# is displayed.

    If you specified history in the command, the command prompt is history=#.

    You now are connected to the Reports database.

  5. To access the data, run SQL statements.
  6. To exit psql, enter: \q