Type tab

On the Type tab, you specify the name of the barcode area, the type of barcode that you want to create, and the properties of the barcode.

Fields on the Type tab

Field Value Description
Barcode name Any combination of a-z, A-Z, 0–9, special characters, and blanks. The name of the barcode area. For example, if the barcode is an Intelligent Mail barcode (IMB), you could name the barcode IMB.
Barcode type Code 39 (3-of-9 Code) A low-density barcode that can encode uppercase letters, numbers, and some special characters.
Data Matrix A two-dimensional (2D) barcode consisting of black and white square modules arranged in either a square or rectangular pattern. This barcode uses the Solomon-Reed error correction algorithm (ECC 200) to ensure data reliability.
Intelligent Mail (IMB) A barcode defined by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that is used to direct and track mail. This barcode was previously called a USPS Four-State barcode.
Interleaved 2-of-5 A high-density barcode that can encode numbers.
PDF417 A two-dimensional (2D) barcode that consists of several rows, each of which is like a small linear barcode. The barcode can detect and correct errors.
POSTNET A barcode defined by the USPS that is used to direct mail.
QR Code A two-dimensional (2D) matrix barcode that consists of black and white square modules arranged in a square pattern. The contents of this Quick Response code can be decoded at high speed. This barcode uses the Solomon-Reed error correction algorithm (ECC 200) to ensure data reliability.
Barcode representation Output type
BCOCA object AFP Editor creates barcode objects using Bar Code Object Content Architecture (BCOCA) structured fields. In general, BCOCA barcodes are preferred to text barcodes. However, some older printers cannot process newer barcode types. For example, IBM 3900 printers cannot process IMBs. In this case, text barcodes are required.

This is the default.

Text barcode AFP Editor creates text barcodes that use the AFP barcode font.


  1. This option is currently available only for IMBs.
  2. AFP Editor uses the 300 dpi AFP IMB font (US23), which produces a standard height barcode: character set C0XMUS23 and code page T100USPS. If you create text barcodes, you must install the IMB font in the AFP resource directories that AFP Visual Environment uses. Otherwise, AFP Visual Environment cannot display the barcode symbol.

Output size
Optimal Size AFP Editor creates BCOCA barcodes so they are displayed in the best size for viewing and printing. This is the default.
Note: This option is currently available only for IMBs.
Compact Size AFP Editor creates BCOCA barcodes so they are displayed in a compact size.
Note: This option is currently available only for IMBs.

This table describes the fields on the Type tab that let you specify barcode properties. The fields differ for each barcode type.

Fields on the Type tab for barcode properties

Barcode type Field Description
Code 39 (3-of-9 Code) Include check digit A check digit ensures data integrity during the bar coding reading process. If you select Yes, a check digit is included in the barcode symbol.
Data Matrix Number of rows The number of rows in the barcode including the finder pattern. If you select Auto, an appropriate number of rows is used for the amount of data in the barcode symbol.
Row size The number of modules in each row including the finder pattern. The row sizes you can select depend on the number of rows. If you select Auto, an appropriate row size is used for the amount of data in the barcode symbol.
Intelligent Mail (IMB) None None
Interleaved 2-of-5 Include check digit A check digit ensures data integrity during the bar coding reading process. If you select Yes, check digit is included in the barcode symbol.
PDF417 Row size The number of data symbol characters in each row. The printer creates the minimum number of rows necessary for the amount of data in the barcode symbol.
POSTNET ZIP Code barcode The barcode symbol consists of a leading frame bar, the encoded ZIP Code data, a correction digit, and a trailing frame bar. The ZIP Code data is a 5-digit number.
ZIP Code+4 barcode The barcode symbol consists of a leading frame bar, the encoded ZIP+4 data, a correction digit, and a trailing frame bar. The ZIP+4 data is a 9-digit number.
Advanced Bar Code (ABC) The barcode symbol consists of a leading frame bar, the encoded ABC data, a correction digit, and a trailing frame bar. The ABC data is an 11-digit number.
Variable-length barcode The barcode symbol consists of a leading frame bar, the encoded data, a correction digit, and a trailing frame bar. The encoded data is variable length.
QR Code Size The size of the barcode symbol, represented by the number of modules in each row and column. The values are 21x21 to 177x177, or smallest, which indicates the smallest size that can include all data.