Disabling autostart

To disable autostart of a server, do these steps:
  1. Invoke the SMIT panel directly from the AIX command line by specifying either smit ipru_autostart or smitty ipru_autostart. You can also access the InfoPrint Utilities main menu by:
    • If you do not have an InfoPrint Manager icon on your front panel, open the InfoPrint folder in the Application Manager and double-click InfoPrint SMIT. Then click InfoPrint Utilities.
    • If you have an InfoPrint Manager icon on your front panel, open InfoPrint Manager popup menu and click InfoPrint SMIT. Then click InfoPrint Utilities.
  2. Click Enable/Disable Autostart.
  3. Click Off in response to the question, Do you wish to turn autostart on or off?
  4. If prompted, select the serve