Capabilities and limitations for transforming data to AFP

Bar code support
The transform does not support bar codes.
Font support
The first font in the font index with properties that most closely match the desired characteristics is used. Condensed and expanded fonts are usually only used when the font-stretch property is selected. Italic and oblique fonts are considered the same and are used interchangeably.

The XML transforms support converting double-byte character set (DBCS) fonts from one code page to another.

The XML transforms work with the OpenType fonts from the command line. For more information about OpenType Fonts, see Using OpenType Fonts in an AFP System, G544-5876.

Graphic support
You can specify graphic data in one of these AFP resources:
An overlay contains a collection of constant image data (such as lines, shading, boxes, or logos) that can be merged with variable data during printing. The AFP output file references the name of an overlay, which is located in a resource directory. Because the overlay is not included but is only referenced in the output file, you must specify the image size in the XSL external-graphic formatting object. For example:
<fo:external-graphic src="overlay:corplogo" content-height="4in"
Page segment
A page segment contains image data (such as bar codes, signatures, logos, or graphics in image format) that can be merged with variable data during printing. The AFP output file references the name of a page segment, which is located in a resource directory. Because the page segment is not included but is only referenced in the output file, you must specify the image size in the XSL external-graphic formatting object. For example:
<fo:external-graphic src="pageseg:corpsign" content-height="4in"
IOCA object
An Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA) object contains a series of picture elements (pels) arranged in rows and columns, and specifies where the image is placed on a page. The XML transforms access the first IOCA object in a specified MO:DCA-P file and place it inline in the AFP output file (only MO:DCA-P image data is supported). The transforms obtain the actual size from the image; therefore, you do not need to specify the size in the XSL external-graphic formatting object. If you do specify the size with the external-graphic formatting object, the transforms crop the image to make it the specified size or add whitespace to the bottom-right corner, so the image appears in the upper-left portion of the allotted space. Here is an example of the formatting object you specify for an IOCA object:
<fo:external-graphic src="myfile/image.afp"/>
MO:DCA-P output
Output from the transform conforms to the MO:DCA Interchange Set 1 (IS/1) architecture (see Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference, SC31-6802).