Spacing a printer

Things to remember:
  • You can only space a printer that uses the PSF Destination Support System (DSS) and one of these attachment types:
    • PSF TCP/IP
    • PSF BSD
    • PSF Other
    To see what DSS your printer uses, do this:
    1. Select the printer in the tree view of the Main window of the InfoPrint Manager GUI.
    2. See if the Type column appears in the details view. The Type column displays the DSS that the InfoPrint printer uses.
    3. If you do not see the Type column, use Add/Remove menu items to add it.
  • You can only space a printer after a job has already started to print.

    To only print a section of a job (such as page 11 to page 20), or to start printing from a page other than the first page of the job, use the Change Page Range to Process task in the InfoPrint Manager GUI.

  • Spacing works better on high-speed printers than on low speed printers.

    While spacing is supported on all printers that you print to using the PSF DSS, it is very