Uninstalling InfoPrint Manager for Linux

There are two ways to uninstall InfoPrint Manager for Linux. You can uninstall the application preserving the data, allowing you to reinstall InfoPrint Manager for Linux for further utilization or without data preservation, completely removing all files and file systems, in which case all InfoPrint Manager data will be lost. We strongly recommend that you back up your system in case of uninstallation, as it allows you to restore the system in case you need to.

To uninstall InfoPrint Manager for Linux with data preservation, allowing you to reinstall it keeping the existing objects:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Mount the InfoPrint Manager ISO file to a location of your choice.
  3. Run one of these commands:
    /path/to/mount/point/install.sh -u
    /path/to/mount/point/install.sh --uninstall
  4. Confirm that you want to uninstall InfoPrint Manager.
  5. InfoPrint Manager will be uninstalled, keeping all data required for it to run in case of a reinstallation.

To uninstall InfoPrint Manager for Linux without data preservation, losing the ability to get to the application current state:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Mount the InfoPrint Manager ISO file to a location of your choice.
  3. Run the command:
    /path/to/mount/point/install.sh --uninstall-and-clean
  4. Confirm that you want to uninstall InfoPrint Manager.
  5. Confirm that you agree to remove all files and directories from the directories installed by InfoPrint Manager.
  6. InfoPrint Manager will be uninstalled, losing all data required for it to run in case of a reinstallation.