File extensions for resources

This table contains file extensions for specific types of resources and lists the order that the extensions are tried by InfoPrint when searching for that resource.

File extensions for resources

Type of Resource File Extensions Searched (see note)
BCOCA (bar code) objects
  1. No file extension
  2. OBJ
Code pages
  1. ECP
  2. No file extension
  3. FONT3820
  4. FONT38PP
  5. CDP
  6. FONT300
Coded fonts
  1. No file extension
  2. FONT3820
  3. FONT38PP
  4. CFT
  5. FONT300
Font character sets, 240-pel resolution
  1. No file extension
  2. 240
  3. FONT3820
  4. FONT38PP
  5. CFT
  6. CDP
Font character sets, 300-pel resolution
  1. No file extension
  2. 300
  3. FONT300
  4. CFT
  5. CDP
Outline fonts
  1. No file extension
  2. OLN
  4. CFT
  5. CDP