How to use the manuals

Use the instruction manuals according to your needs.
To learn how to install RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat:
See RICOH ProcessDirector: Installing Document Processing Features.
To learn how to use the functions and operations of RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat:
See RICOH ProcessDirector: Using RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat. This information is also available in the plug-in help system and the RICOH ProcessDirector Information Center.

Displaying the publications

RICOH ProcessDirector: Installing Document Processing Features is available when you run the installation program, so you can access the publication while you install the application.

RICOH ProcessDirector: Installing Document Processing Features and RICOH ProcessDirector: Using RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat are also available from the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface.

On the top menu bar of the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface, click the Information button and select one of the publications to download.

  • A PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, is required to view the publications.
  • You must log in RICOH ProcessDirector user interface to view the publications.

Displaying the help system

The RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat help system is available from the application. Click Help on a dialog.