Defining a workflow to send PDF jobs to Quadient Inspire Designer

Copy and customize one of the PDF workflows to create a workflow that sends jobs to Quadient Inspire Designer.

To define a workflow to send jobs to Quadient Inspire Designer:

  1. Click the Workflow tab.
  2. Right-click the PDF workflow and select Copy.
  3. Name the copy of the workflow, fill in or edit other values that you need, and click Continue.
  4. In the workflow editor, click Step Templates in the top right corner of the window.
  5. Find the ComposePDF step template and add it to the Receive phase before the OptimizePDF step.
  6. Right-click the ComposePDF step and select Properties.
  7. Update any values that are different for this workflow.
    • For a workflow that accepts a WFD and one or more raw data files to generate a PDF file, we recommend these settings:
      Property Value
      External program language Not set
      External command PNetTC ${Job.GMC.WFDFileLocation} ${Job.GMC.SetupDataFiles} -o MyOutput1 -e PDF -f ${getFileName(print, pdf, write)}
      WFD file ${getFileName(print, unknown, read)}
      Data modules -difDataInput1
      Fixed data modules Not Set
      External program code page UTF8
      Valid return codes 0,2
      Data files ${getFileName(overrides, text, read)}
      Fixed data files Not set
      Quadient JOB file Not set
    • For a workflow that accepts a WFD and a PDF file, then sends them to Quadient Inspire Designer to be reformatted or modified, we recommend these settings:
      Property Value
      External program language Not set
      External command PNetTC ${Job.GMC.WFDFileLocation} ${Job.GMC.SetupDataFiles} -o MyOutput1 -e PDF -f ${getFileName(print, pdf, write)}
      WFD file ${getFileName(gmc, wfd, read)}
      Data modules -PDFinParamInput1
      Fixed data modules Not Set
      External program code page UTF8
      Valid return codes 0,2
      Data files ${getFileName(print, pdf, read)}
      Fixed data files Not set
      Quadient JOB file Not set
  8. Click OK.
  9. Add and update any other step templates that the workflow requires.
  10. Save the workflow.