
A step based on this step template sends email with or without attachments to an SMTP server. The attachments can be complete print files, partial print files, or other files.

Job property defaults

  • Attachments:
  • Attach ZIP file: No
  • Blind copy address:
  • Copy address:
  • Message:
  • Page range data stream: Use current
  • Page range to send:
  • Recipient address:
  • Secure connection: None
  • Sender address:
  • SMTP server type: System
  • Subject line:

Usage notes

  • You must have an email server installed and configured so the step can interact with it before the step can run. The SMTP Server Type property specifies whether the step uses the System or Alternate SMTP server. If the SMTP server system property for the chosen SMTP server type is blank or has an incorrect value, the job goes to the error state.
  • This step uses the SMTP user name and SMTP password system properties for the System SMTP server, or the Alternate SMTP user name and Alternate SMTP password system properties for the Alternate SMTP server, to support SMTP servers that require a user name and password.
  • This step supports SSL or TLS connection without certificate authentication. If you use an SSL or TLS connection, you must specify the correct port number on the corresponding property. If the system property is blank or has an incorrect value, the job goes to the error state.
  • The step only sends an email when the job reaches the step. If the job stops processing because of an error, notifications are not sent.
  • This step supports page ranges in PDF jobs, and in AFP jobs if you have the AFP Support feature installed. The step cannot transform jobs from one datastream to another. If the datastream is not AFP or PDF, the job goes to the error state.
  • If you specify a page range for an AFP file, include a step based on the EnableRepositioning step template before the SendEmail step in the workflow. The EnableRepositioning step ensures that the correct pages are selected based on information specified in the form definition and the Duplex job property.
  • If you specify a page range for a file, include a step based on the CountPages step template before the SendEmail step in the workflow. The CountPages step ensures that the correct pages are selected based on its page counts and the Duplex job property.
  • You can add this step to a workflow more than once.