Adding an image to the transform output

The preprinted forms used during the printing process might have a company logo, a table, or grid that is filled in with the print data. To add an image which emulates the preprinted form to the transform output, AFP2PDF Transform performs these steps:

  1. Opens the specified image file, which currently can only have JPEG format.
  2. Processed the image data.
  3. Converts the data into an image for the PDF output.

    The image can be in color and you can specify which pages it is included on.

To include an image that emulates a preprinted form, add one or more of these static image definitions between the starting <IMAGE> and ending <IMAGE_END> lines of the image information entry in the image map configuration file:

Same image is included on the pages with Type parameter.
Image on the front sheet of AFP data is placed on pages with Type parameter, in the output PDF.
Image on the back sheet of AFP data is placed on pages with Type parameter, in the output PDF.
Note: If running the image map option from the afp2pdf_split tool, the STATICIMG_FRONT and STATICIMG_BACK refer to the front and back of the document that results after the splitting.
Same image is included on the pages with the Type parameter. Using 72 units per inch, you can set specific image position and size dimensions.

These parameters are used with the static image definitions:

Specifies the left edge position of the image relative to the left edge of the page. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the top edge position of the image relative to the top edge of the page. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the target area width where the image is placed. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the target area height where the image is placed. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the fully qualified path and name for the image.
  • If a blank is used as part of the value, you must enclose the value in double quotes.
Type=All | First | Second | All-First
Specifies the sheets where the image is placed. The values include:
The image is included on all sheets.
First (default value)
The image is included on the first sheet only.
The image is included on the second sheet only.
The image is included on all sheets except for the first page.
Note: If running the image map option from the afp2pdf_split tool, the Type options refer to the sheet option (All, First, Second, All-first) from the document that results after the splitting.

Usage note:

  • If the Type parameter is not specified, the default value is First.

If the page orientation switches between portrait and landscape, these parameters can also be specified to control the position and sizing for the landscape orientation:

Specifies the position of the left edge of the image relative to the left edge of the page. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the position of the top edge of the image relative to the top edge of the page. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the width of the target area where the image is placed. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.
Specifies the height of the target area where the image is placed. The units of this parameter are 1440 units per inch.

Example of an image added to PDF output

="C:\afp2pdf\form1.jpg" TYPE=ALL<IMAGE_END>
  • The image definitions do not include position or size information. You must manually add the starting and ending lines to the image map configuration file, in addition to the static image definitions.
  • You can define multiple images on a page. You must verify that the size and position do not cause the images to overlap.