Working with AFP Resources

The AFP resources used by the AFP2PDF Plus Transform include:
  • Page segments
  • Overlays
  • Form definitions
  • Character set raster and outline font files.

The page segment, overlay, form definition and font file resources can be passed to the transform from these locations:

Inline resource group
The AFP resources needed by the AFP data file are combined into a logical resource library for the document. This resource group is contained in the AFP file along with the AFP document.
External resource group
The AFP resources needed by the AFP data file are combined into a logical resource library for the document and are passed to the transform as a separate file.

The afp2pdf command specifies this resource file with the –r parameter. See Working with AFP Resources for more information.

Resource directories
AFP resource files can be placed in specific directories that the transform program searches for when converting a document. The user can specify multiple directories and the directories are searched in the order that they are given.

By default, resources are placed in a \resource subdirectory where the transform code modules were installed. You can specify other directories with the ResourceDataPath parameter in the transform options file. See Working with AFP Resources for more information.

Note: The directory and file examples in this chapter are specified for the Windows environment. To use these examples in a UNIX environment, use the UNIX file naming convention for any file name. For example, \font\maps in Windows is /font/maps in a UNIX environment, or the input AFP file c:\documents\afpdoc.afp in Windows would be /documents/afpdoc.afp in a UNIX environment.

The AFP2PDF Plus Transform must process the AFP fonts your document was created with to fonts that can be displayed with Adobe Acrobat. This means either mapping an AFP font to one of the Base 14 fonts that Acrobat has internally defined or embedding a True Type or Adobe Type 1/Type 3 font. Font Processing Options shows the available ways to process fonts.

Font Processing Options