Creating the image map configuration file

To map images for the AFP files perform these steps:

  1. Create an image map configuration file, transforming a sample AFP document that contains all documents with images.
  2. Identify the image entries and define them in the configuration file.

The image information in the configuration file is used to identify the images in the AFP file and map them during the conversion process.

Image information in the image map configuration file

<IMAGE position: (5.250in, 0.613in) size: (0.667in, 0.800in)>
<IMAGE position: (0.863in, 8.483in) size: (2.400in, 0.667in)>
<IMAGE position: (3.596in, 8.550in) size: (2.633in, 0.700in)>
<IMAGE name: (S1PSEG01) position (6.162in, 8.483in) size: (2.067in, 

Each IMAGE tag along with its corresponding < IMAGE_END> tag defines a single image information entry in the configuration file. The first value for position and size is the horizontal dimension and the second value is the vertical dimension. The position measurements are for the upper, left-hand corner of the image relative to the upper, left-hand corner of the page.

By default, the image map configuration file is named imagemap.cfg. AFP2PDF Plus Transform searches for the file in the same directory where the program was installed. However, you can specify a different location and name for the file.

To create the image map configuration file:

  1. Create or modify the AFP2PDF Plus Transform options file with the entry ImageMapEntries_File=outputfile, where outputfile is the location and name of the file for the AFP file image information. For example, ImageMapEntries_File=c:\imagemap.out. Optionally, you can specify a true or false flag after the output file to specify whether you want MD5 checksums for images.

    See AFP2PDF Plus Transform Options File for more information on the AFP2PDF Plus Transform option parameters.

  2. Enter afp2pdfafpfile to run the AFP2PDF Plus Transform, where afpfile is the directory and file name of the AFP document to convert. For example, afp2pdf c:\documents\afpdoc.afp.

    The system generates an output file with image information for the AFP file and a PDF file for the AFP file For example: c:\imagemap.out c:\documents\afpdoc.pdf

  3. Copy the image lines in the output file (such as imagemap.out) into the image map configuration file (imagemap.cfg by default).
  4. Add image information between the starting <IMAGE> and ending <IMAGE_END> lines for the images you want to generate in the PDF output file.

The image information in the configuration file is used to identify the images in the AFP file. When AFP2PDF Plus Transform matches an image from the AFP file with the image information from the configuration file, it generates the image in the PDF output file.