
-copt file name
Specifies the fully qualified or relative path of the option file name for the afp2pdf transform. This parameter is optional.
-doutDir path
Specifies the directory for the output files. If this parameter is not specified, the output files are placed in the current directory. This parameter is optional.
-hfont directory
Specifies the location of the font directory. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the log file name. The default log file name is <outDir path>/afp with extension ".log" without ".afp". This parameter is optional.
-iind file name
Specifies the index field used for generating the output file names. The default file name is <outDir path>/afp with extension ".xml" without ".afp".

AFP2PDF ignores this flag if -odload is specified. This parameter is optional.

Specifies the number of threads that run concurrently for the transform. The default number of threads is 8. This parameter is optional.
-ooutput name
Specifies the output archive data file name. The default file name is <outDir path>/afp with extension ".pdf" without ".afp". If -odload is specified, the default output archive data file name is <outDir path>/<afpfile>.ARD.out. This parameter is optional.

Specifies the fully qualified or relative path of the external resource file for the afp2pdf transform. This parameter is optional.

Specifies the rotation value to use when transforming the file. Valid values are 0, 90, 180, and 270.

The default value is 0. This parameter is optional.

-zind config file
Specifies the fully qualified or relative path of the index manipulation configuration file for the afp2pdf transform. This parameter is optional.

The configuration file contains this list:

Arranges the entries from the index file in the same document order as the input AFP file.
Index_Remove, indexFieldName
Index_Remove removes the index that matches the value specified as the indexFieldName.
Index_Rename, indexFieldName, NewIndexFieldName
Index_Rename renames the index that matches the value specified for indexFieldName to the value specified for NewIndexFieldName.
Specifies the fully qualified or relative path name of the input afp file. For example, ArchiveLoad_afp2pdf -c opt.cfg -o sample_out.pdf -i sample_index.xml sample.afp. This parameter is required.
Generates -odload output files and formats. This parameter is optional. The default -odload output files are:
  1. output data file<outDir path>/<afpfile>.ARD.out
  2. index file<outDir path>/<afpfile>.ARD.ind
  3. trigger file<outDir path>/<afpfile>.ARD
Specifies the use of a temporary space for each statement instead of memory buffer. It is used to avoid from using up memory heap for huge statement. If -temp is specified, the default temporary file is <output directory>/temp. This parameter is optional.
Use UTF-8(code page 1208) as the text encoding for output index file. The default is to use JVM "file.encoding" property. This parameter is optional.