
Specifies the size in bytes of the cache used for resources. You can add k or m at the end of the specified value to indicate that kilobytes or megabytes are used instead. Values that are greater or equal to 2 gigabytes are not allowed. You can use only integer values. By default, the cache size is set to 0. Using a non-zero cache size might increase the resulting output size.
Specifies the directory for all the output files. If this parameter is not specified, the output files are placed in the current directory.
Specifies an alphanumeric password that gives permission to change document security settings (also known as a master, owner, or permissions password). For example, if the printing function in the PDF display has been restricted (-p p), you must supply a password to override the setting. The same password is applied for each output file.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the form definition resource that is used on each statement when transforming the AFP document.
Specifies the code page global identifier CPGID to be used when interpreting the values for the -ix and -ix2 to -ix10 parameters. If no -ix type parameter is used, this parameter has no effect. The default value is 500.
Specifies the location of the font definition files when a code page ID is specified with the -g parameter. Use the -h parameter if the font definition files are not located in the \font subdirectory of the current directory.
Specifies the index field used for generating the output file names. For example, if -i RouteID is specified and if a statement has a routing ID of ABC, the output file name ABC is generated.

The user must know which index fields are available for the AFP data and must pick a field that is unique for each statement. For example, a single index field, such as ZIPCODE, might not be have unique values for all statements. In that case, statements with the same ZIP Code would have the same file name, causing an overwrite of the output file.

If this parameter is not given, the first index field found in the AFP data is used. If an index field name not available in the AFP data is given, no corresponding PDF file is generated.

-i2index2 to -i10index10
Specifies the index field number used for generating the output file names. The index attributes range from 2 to 10.
  • You can specify either all -i or -ix type parameters.
Specifies the index field used for generating the output file names. This parameter is the same as the -i parameter except that is used when the index name is specified in hexadecimal notation.
-ix2hexindex2 to -ix10hexindex10
Specifies the index field number used for generating the output file names. The index attributes range from 2 to 10.
Organizes the entries from the index file in the same document order as the input AFP file.
Specifies the AFP input file that is to be split and transformed to PDF. This parameter is required.
-k path
Specifies a fully qualified path of an alternate location for the log files generated during the transformation. Each corresponding PDF output file comes with an associated log file if errors occur during transformation. The log file name is output _PDF_file_ name.pdf.log. The corresponding log file will not be generated if there are errors generated on the associated statement.
Indicates that the log file format for split_afp2pdf and legacy split_afp2pdf should match.
Specifies the location and name of the image map configuration file that is used by the transform.
Generates a different PDF output file name if the file already exists. For example, the PDF output file ABCD__2.pdf is generated if the output file name ABCD.pdf already exists.
Specifies the number of threads for the transform to run. The default is 4.
Specifies the location and name of the transform options file. The default is a2pxopts.cfg in the same directory as the program module. This file name must not use relative paths and must be fully qualified. See AFP2PDF Plus Transform Options File for more information about the options file.
When used with an owner password (-epassword), specifies which PDF display functions are restricted. The codes for the display functions, which can be used in any order, are:
Add or modify text annotations and interactive form fields.
Modify the document contents.
Assemble the document by using options such as inserting, rotating, or deleting pages. You can also create bookmarks or thumbnail images.
Fill in existing interactive form fields.
Print the document.
Print the document using low quality settings.
Copy text and graphics from the document.

Specifies the fully qualified file name of the AFP resource group to be used when transforming the AFP file. For example, split_afp2pdf –r c:\mydirectory\afpresfile.res afpfile.afp.

Specifies the rotation value to use when transforming the file. Valid values are 0, 90, 180, and 270. The default is 0.

Some AFP files might have already been formatted with a rotated orientation. In this case, use this parameter to align the text in an upright position.

Specifies the use of a temporary file to hold the statement for transformation. In certain circumstances, the input statement may exceed the available JAVA memory space. The temporary file is created in the directory specified by –d and is deleted when the transform is finished, whether successful or not. The number of concurrent temporary files created is twice the number of threads. Use this parameter only when Support tells you to do so.
-tle xmlfile
Specifies the location and name for the xml formatted output file that contains the index information for each PDF file output from the split_afp2pdf program. If this parameter is omitted, the output file will be: \output_dir\input_afp_file_name.xml.
Specifies an alphanumeric password that gives permission to open the PDF document (also known as a user or document open password).