Specifies the name of a color mapping table resource in AIXorWindows. A color mapping table is an AFP resource that is used to map color values that are specified in a source color space to color values specified in a target color space.
The value is:
- name
- Any valid color mapping table name. The name can be 1 - 8 alphanumeric characters
(a-z, A-Z, 0–9) and special characters (# $ @), including the 2-character prefix,
if there is one. In AIX, name is case-sensitive.
Note: Do not use a file extension when you are specifying the color mapping table.
You can create your own color mapping table by using the Color Mapping Tool that is included with InfoPrint Manager (see the Procedures document for your InfoPrint Manager operating system), or you can use an existing resource that is created by your system programmer.
The color mapping table that is specified on the COLORMAP parameter can be found in these locations:
- In a directory that is referenced by the USERLIB or OBJCONLIB parameter.
- Inline in the file.
A color mapping table can be an inline resource in all data formats except XML. If the color mapping table is an inline resource, you must specify one of these parameters:
- name is the name of the inline color mapping table. If the name specified in the COLORMAP parameter does not match the name of an inline color mapping table, ACIF looks for the color mapping table in the OBJCONLIB or USERLIB library.
- If you specify COLORMAP=DUMMY but the file does not include an inline color mapping table, ACIF looks for a color mapping table that is named DUMMY in the OBJCONLIB or USERLIB library.
An input file can contain multiple color mapping tables, but only one can be used for printing. If a file contains more than one color mapping table and you specify COLORMAP=name, ACIF uses the first inline color mapping table named name. If a file contains more than one inline color mapping table and you specify COLORMAP=DUMMY, ACIF uses the first inline color mapping table in the input file.