Specifies the name of a COM setup file. A COM setup file is an AFP resource that contains instructions that are required when printing on a microfilm device (microfilm can mean either microfiche or 16 mm film).
The value is:
- name
- Any valid COM setup file name. The name can be 1 - 8 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0–9) and special characters (# $
@), including the 2-character prefix, if there is one. In AIX, name is case-sensitive.Note: If the name of the COM setup file includes a file extension, do not use the file extension when you are specifying the setup file. For example, to use a setup file that is named
The COM setup file you use can be located:
- In an AIX or Windows directory.
- Inline in the file (that is, within the file itself).
If the COM setup file is in an AIX or Windows directory, use the USERLIB or OBJCONLIB parameter to specify the path to the file.