Specifies the names of user directories that contain TrueType and OpenType fonts, AFP extended code page fonts, or data object resources that are installed with a resource access table (RAT), such as color management resources (CMRs). TrueType and OpenType fonts are Unicode-enabled AFP fonts that are not defined by FOCA. AFP extended code page fonts are FOCA fonts that contain EBCDIC or ASCII encodings and can contain the Unicode equivalent value. AFP extended code page fonts have a .ECP file extension. For more information about resources that are installed with RATs, see Processing resources installed with resource access tables.
By convention, resources that are specified with the USERPATH parameter are typically used by one user, as opposed to the system resources that are shared by many users (for example, those resources specified with the FONTPATH or OBJCPATH parameters).
- USERPATH=pathlist
- The value is:
- pathlist
- Any valid search path. You must use a colon (:) in AIX or a semicolon (;) in Windows
to separate multiple paths. For example:
acif inputdd=INFILE outputdd=OUTFILE pagedef=PAGTRUE formdef=F1A10110 \ userpath=/jdoe/fonts/truetype:/jdoe/fonts/truetype/myfonts/
Note: The backslash (\) tells AIX to continue reading the command from the next line. In Windows, the backslash is not valid; therefore, the command parameters must be on one continuous line.
ACIF searches the paths in the order in which they are specified.
Note: The total number of all characters in the string of path names cannot exceed 4095 bytes.