Specifies the type of data in the input file and whether ACIF must do optional processing of that data.

PRMODE={SOSI1 | SOSI2 | SOSI3 | SOSI4 | aaaaaaaa}
The values are:
Specifies that each shift-out, shift-in code is converted to a blank and a Set Coded Font Local text control.
Specifies that each shift-out, shift-in code is converted to a Set Coded Font Local text control.
Specifies that each shift-out character is converted to a Set Coded Font Local text control. Each shift-in is converted to a Set Coded Font Local Text control and two blanks.
Specifies that each shift-out, shift-in code is skipped and not counted when offsets are calculated for the input file. SOSI4 is used when DBCS text is converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. When SOSI4 is specified, the page definition offsets are correct after conversion; therefore, the user does not need to account for SOSI characters when FIELD offsets are computed. The processing of shift-out and shift-in codes for SOSI4 is the same as for SOSI2.
Any 8-byte alphanumeric string. This value is supplied to all of the ACIF user exits. Using the AFPDS value indicates that the data contains MO:DCA-P structured fields.