Specifies the location of AFP resources for processing the input file.
- USERLIB=pathlist
- Specifies the names of user directories that contain AFP resources for processing
the input file. The directories can contain any AFP resources (fonts, page segments,
overlays, page definitions, form definitions, object container resources, or COM setup
By convention, these resources are typically used by one user, as opposed to the system resources (specified with the RESLIB parameter) that are shared by many users. Therefore, you can use the USERLIB parameter to specify resources that are not retrieved with the FDEFLIB, FONTLIB, OBJCONLIB, OVLYLIB, PDEFLIB, or PSEGLIB parameters. USERLIB is not used to specify directories for TrueType and OpenType fonts, or data object resources that are installed with a resource access table (RAT), such as color management resources (CMRs). Instead, use the USERPATH parameter.
Note: The directories that USERLIB specifies can contain AFP extended code page fonts, which are FOCA fonts that contain EBCDIC or ASCII encodings and can contain the Unicode equivalent value. AFP extended code page fonts have a .ECP file extension.The value is:
- pathlist
- Any valid search path. You must use a colon (:) in AIX or a semicolon (;) in Windows
to separate multiple paths.