Specifies the content of the indexing tags for the entire file. A maximum of eight indexes can be defined (INDEX1, INDEX2,… INDEX8) and each index can be made up of one or more FIELD definitions.
INDEXn={'attributename' | X'attributename'}{,FIELDn[,FIELDn…]}
Valid components of the INDEXn parameter are:
- 'attributename' | X'attributename'
- Specifies a user-defined attribute name to be associated with the actual index value.
The attribute name is a label for the actual index value. For example, assume that
INDEX1 is a person’s bank account number. The string 'Account Number' would be a meaningful
attribute name. The value of INDEX1 would be the account number (for example, 1234567).
The attribute name is a string 1 - 250 bytes in length. ACIF does not do any validity
checking on the contents of the attribute name.
Note: The attribute name can be specified as ASCII character data or hexadecimal data. However, if the input data file is anything other than ASCII, the value must be specified as hexadecimal data.
- Specifies one or more FIELDn parameters that compose the index value. A maximum of 16 FIELDn parameters can be specified. If more than one FIELDn parameter is specified, ACIF concatenates them into one physical string of data. No delimiters are used between the concatenated fields. Because an index value has a maximum length of 250 bytes, the total of all specified FIELDn parameters for a single index cannot exceed this length. ACIF reports an error condition and ends processing if this error occurs.
If literal values (constants) are specified for every index, ACIF treats the entire file as one page group and uses this information to index the document. ACIF reports an error condition and ends processing if literal values are specified for all INDEXn parameters and if any TRIGGERn parameters are also specified.
For FIELDn parameters that specify data values within the file, ACIF determines the actual location of the indexing information that is based on the indexing anchor record, set by the TRIGGERn parameters.
A valid set of index parameters comprises either of these:
- FIELD definitions that contain only literal values (constant data).
- FIELD definitions that contain both literal values and application data (data fields in the print file).
The following example specifies that the first index tag for the patent number is made up of the literal character string '1234567' and the second index tag for the employee name is made up of fields within the file records:
FIELD1='1234567' FIELD2=0,10,20 FIELD3=0,25,20 INDEX1='Patent Number',FIELD1 INDEX2='Employee Name',FIELD2,FIELD3
The next example specifies both index tags as literal values. The entire file is indexed by using these two values. The resulting index object file contains only one record in this case.
FIELD1='123456' FIELD2='444556677' INDEX1='Account Number',FIELD1 INDEX2='Social Security Number',FIELD2
See Enhanced indexing parameters for information about using the INDEXn parameter with enhanced ACIF indexing.