mkfntmap command: maps PostScript fonts


mkfntmap inputfile … [> outputfile]


The mkfntmap command creates a font mapping file that contains a list of the PostScript Type 1 fonts specified in the inputfiles parameter of the command and their locations.

InfoPrint Manager for AIX or Linux includes the /usr/lpp/psf/ps/ file.

The font map file maps the AFP outline fonts to the directory in which they were installed. If you have additional PostScript fonts or you add new PostScript fonts, use the mkfntmap command to create a font mapping file for the new fonts after they are installed.

If you will be using the additional fonts frequently, you should add the fonts to the file in the /usr/lpp/psf/ps directory for InfoPrint Manager for AIX or Linux.

The fonts you specify in the file load before transform processing begins, improving the performance of the PostScript transform.

Note: With InfoPrint Manager for AIX or Linux, the Courier font must exist in at least one of your font mapping files. It is included in the font