startsrv utility: starts a server in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux
startsrv [-c] [-F] [-l] locale [-p] port [ServerName] startsrv -?
Issue the startsrv utility to create or restart a server. A server:
- Manages the validation, routing, and scheduling of jobs
- Manages the printing or transmission process
- Contains logical destinations, queues, and actual destinations
These conditions can exist when you issue this utility:
- If the server name you specify with the utility (or the default server name), does not exist, and if you do not specify the -F flag, InfoPrint displays a confirmation message asking to create a new server. If your response is yes, InfoPrint creates the server on the AIX processor from which you enter the utility and then starts the new server.
- If the server name does not exist, and if you specify the -F flag, InfoPrint creates the server on the AIX processor from which you enter the utility without asking for confirmation and then starts the new server.
- If the server name does exist but is not currently running, InfoPrint displays status information and issues a message when it has successfully restarted the server.
- If the server name does exist and it is currently running, InfoPrint displays a message that shows the server is already operational.
Note: Use startsrv instead of start_server when either of these conditions is true:
- You want to configure the server for a standard InfoPrint installation. startsrv configures a new server for a standard installation by default, while start_server always configures a new server for a basic installation.
- You want to be prompted for confirmation if the server does not already exist. startsrv prompts by default, while start_server never prompts.
The startsrv utility uses these flags:
- -c
- Configures a new server for a basic InfoPrint installation. If you do not specify this flag, InfoPrint configures the server for a standard installation. This flag has no effect on an existing server.
- -F
- Forces creation of the server if it does not already exist. InfoPrint does not display confirmation prompts (if any).
If you do not specify this flag and if the server does not already exist, InfoPrint prompts you to confirm whether to create the server.
- -l locale
- Lets you specify the locale for InfoPrint messages in a specific language. If you do not specify this flag, the default is
your current locale. Possible values: en_US, fr_FR, de_DE, it_IT, es_ES or ja_JP.
- Note:
- In case the -l parameter is missing, InfoPrint checks the LC_ALL and LC_MESSAGES environment variables to decide the language when the server starts.
- -p port
- Lets you specify the port number when starting a server in a locale other than the
default locale. The port number you assign must not conflict with port numbers in
use by other processes. The file /etc/services lists the port numbers reserved by other processes.
If you do not specify this flag, the port defaults to the value of the PD_SOCKET environment variable, if any, then to 6874.
Note: When selecting your own port number, always increment the choice by two because the InfoPrint server uses two numbers: the one you specify and the next one, for example, 6874 and 6875. - -?
- Displays help for the startsrv utility.
The argument value identifies the specific object to which the utility applies.
The valid argument value for the startsrv utility is:
- ServerName
- Assigns a name to a new server or specifies the name of the server to restart. ServerName defaults to the host name.
- To create a server with the name
and configure it for a standard installation, enter:startsrv -F serv1
- To create a server with the same name as the host and configure it for a basic installation,
startsrv -c -F
- To restart
, enter:startsrv serv1
Note: Only a person with
user authority or the InfoPrint Manager user can run this command.